Remember, Joseph was put in the dungeon because he chose to be honorable with regard to Potiphar's wife.
When you told the Lord you would serve Him, did you intend to add a list of caveats? Of course not. You meant it and you stood before Him in honesty.
The thing to remember is this: your obedience does not mean immediate human success and recognition.
Isaiah was sawed in half.
John was boiled in oil.
Peter was crucified upside down (the inverted position at his request)
Jeremiah was thrown into the pit.
Joseph was cast into the dungeon.
Paul was imprisoned and then beheaded.
Nehemiah was harassed, threatened and barraged because he wanted to rebuild the wall.
So then, why are you surprised when you decide to serve the King of Kings and things seem to be less than perfect? He is sovereign. He sees the beginning from the end. He knows what is best for you, and has your eternal best interest at the forefront.
Remember, He left Glory for you. He died with your name on His lips. He rose to give you New Life and He is preparing a Place for you.
Waste no time or energy on worrying about what you see. Take it to Him in prayer, lay it at His feet, tell Him your are His and make sure you let Him know that anything He wants to do with your life is OK with you.
There is nothing else.
There is no one else.