When asked what they want in life, many Christians will answer well.
They will say that they want to be good Christians. They may even say they want to know the Lord more or they may say they want to serve Him.
What would you say if asked? The rubber meets the road in the areas of the thought life. When the unexpected comes, when comfort is threatened, when the familiar is removed, it becomes apparent what is wanted in life.
You must want Him and you must tell him so. Otherwise, life becomes a day after day struggle to maintain the status quo or to avoid discomfort.
This is what makes the Cross so beautiful. When the Soldier of The Cross takes up The Cross and follows after Him, there is something that is left behind - a Cross Bearer is not able to carry other things - things that get in the way of following after the Lord.
Remember, we are sojourners and pilgrims. It is far better to be Under His Wings than it is to be in self-designed, self- preserved, decaying comfort.