He Who is Love:

     He never tires of you.

     He never complains about you to the Father.  He is not tempted to give up, nor is He willing to just cut you off and let you go your own way without giving you another thought.

     He is about the business of preparing you for heaven.  He is longing for your attention and He has provided you with the gift of prayer.  The Indwelling Holy Spirit will never leave.  He can be quenched, but He cannot be expelled.

     Soldier of The Cross, you must realize what you have in Christ and it must be from dealing with Him in prayer.  This is a tremendously freeing thing and also stirs hunger to meet Him in His Word.

     Yes, we slog on, on one level.  But far above that is the Life for which were you created.  We were created to enjoy Him.  To trust Him.  To recognize Him and to follow after Him.

     There is nothing more precious.  Pass it on.