Soldier of The Cross, He is a healer.
He has not promised us that He would heal all physical illness. He has promised that we could find refuge, live a life without a damaged personality and minister His own Life. He has told us we can know peace and be content.
The soul is the place where decisions are made. The spirit comes alive when inhabited by the spirit of God, but the soul will either reflect Him, or in the alternative, it will reflect the consequences of decisions that do not line up with His mind.
Those who are determined to take up The Cross and follow Him have a certain family resemblance. They are calm. They do not return unkindness when it is hurled at them. They are far more interested in eternal matters than the temporal, and they always, always consider the other person before themselves.
They are interested in living by faith and they have decided to stand on God's Word.
These decisions create room for the Holy Spirit to fill. To move. To counsel. To heal, and to reveal Jesus.
The Soldier of The Cross is not a neurotic wreck. His eyes are on the Lord and he is moving.
Soldier, remember: you are keenly and deeply loved by the One who called you to Himself. The well-adjusted Christian is the one who has told the Lord that He can do absolutely anything with his life. He is willing to tackle the impossible and he refuses to take only safe posts.
Underneath are the Everlasting Arms.