You are a Soldier of The Cross.
That means that you have crossed The Line and have made the decision to eagerly and obediently pick up the Cross, which is the place of the death of the flesh, and follow hard after Him.
And, it means you will do this daily.
You may not live as do some believers do, who act as though they have no Sovereign God.
Impatience must go.
Any impurity of the mouth must go. Christians must have clean language and that without game-playing.
Needing human approval must be replace by His approval.
Idleness must go.
Smart, get-back comments must go.
Self-defense must go.
Constantly trying to guarantee the future must go.
Relationships are marked by sacrificial and wise love.
God's Word is always in the mouth, and not as a preachy missile.
There is a tender and constant attention to the Body of Christ.
Money comes from and goes to the Lord.
Paryer is the common denominator of all activity and decisions.
Daily we must affirmatively take up The Cross and it must happen in prayer.