Soldier, do you know His voice?
He speaks through His Word, His appointed leaders and often from the least expected and possibly most unpleasant sources.
He has never neglected to answer and He has never made it hard to hear. The issue is always obedience, and unfortunately for many, obedience is not possible unless His directive compliments their agenda.
Such can not be the case for the Soldier of The Cross. You must pre-determine that you will payThe Price. You will obey and you will move according to what you know He is doing. How can you know? You take Him at His Word. You go where He is.
You are able. You absolutely know where He is and where He isn't. You know how He is leading - the problem is, you don't know the result.
Leave that up to Him. You can't be in control. And, even if you could be, wouldn't you rather yield to the One who knows the beginning from the end?
Tell Him you will agree with Him. That you will follow Him. No matter what.
Tell Him aloud.