Loving the Lord is a matter of choice.
In fact, all obedience is a matter of choice. If we are told to Love Him with all
we are and have, then it is possible.
As we live in a fallen world and have temporal bodies of flesh, choosing to obey
Him is a matter of process. We made decisions and them proceed into the momentum
of those decisions by faith when we declare our position to the Lord.
Such a declaration can not be a declaration of intention. It must be a reporting of
what has happened - a decision already made in response to the Word of God. A
decision already made under the challenge of the Holy Spirit.
Obedience is not to be confused with legalism, which is an attempt to earn God's favor by
keeping rules.
Obedience happens when we take Him at His Word and press into it by faith, just because
He said.
Soldier of The Cross, when you begin the day telling Him that you long to be dead to the
world and alive unto Christ, when you tell Him you long to learn to obey Him,
then there is an eagerness to serve the Master that supersedes the need of the
flesh to know why.
We have to learn to obey. There are times when it is not possible to know
which turn to take. When the Lord seems to be silent, one must either stand still
or just do the thing that seems to be what should be done. If the matter has been
covered in prayer, it will become apparent that He is not there. The ground must
be recovered and the other fork in the road taken.
After a child knows he is loved, the most important thing for a child is to be trained
to obey immediately. This prepares him to serve the living God and to watch,
listen and follow after the One whose instruction is perfect.
There is not one tiny little thing that escapes His attention.
For those who are His Own, Obedience begins with the mouth.
Then the mind.Then the body.
Then time, money and service.
We are not on our own. We have the Indwelling Holy Spirit.
We are accountable.
There will be no excuse for independence.