What is your goal?

Do you need to be in control? Do you have to know what is going to happen? Do you have to be right?

Soldier of The Cross, when you told Him you would be His, there was no turning back.

Your goal must be to be a Living Sacrifice. You must determine to recognize His voice, and to press into His agenda.

What else is there?

Soldier, look at those around you. They are lost. They need a Savior. They are in distress. Press into the battle. Do it in prayer.

We have only a few hours. Let's redeem the time and hold up each other.

To know Him, and the Power of His resurrection.

Soldier, make this your goal!

Everything is of Consequence

Soldier of the cross, absolutely everything is of consequence.

The thoughts you allow to linger. The look on your face.  A hasty word uttered in thoughtlessness.

The single thing that rules and fuels behavior is the devotional life.  Once a person has yielded to the Lord and has committed his life to Him, he must give free reign to the Holy Spirit.  This is not possible without the actual pursuit of God.

You have free choice and total control, only when you are yielding to the Lord. Your consecrated life will show on your face.  It will pour out through your speech. Your eyes will reflect that you dwell in the Haven of Rest.

You will be aware of what is in your mind, and you will lead every ungodly thought away, captive.

There is little time, and much to lose or gain

When does the rubber meet the road?

When the Soldier of The Cross agrees with God. This is the time when He sets apart those who will follow Him, from those who are interested in other things, Soldier, make no mind.

He who called you is He who will carry you through.

There is nothing else, and there is no one else.

Trusting by Faith

It is not difficult to distinguish between Christians who want to be living sacrifices, and those whose attention is always on themselves and their issues.

To serve the Lord, we must be willing to really let Him have His way. This means trusting by faith, that He knows more than we.

As soon as we analyze by sight, we get into trouble.

At all cost, we must avoid thinking we have the right to have God to run things by.

It is only necessary that He approve us!

Keep your eyes on Jesus

Make sure you are always praying to know Him more intimately. Never let your gaze rest on the enemy. He wants to be your fascination.

Soldier of The Cross, we are just passing through. He is leading.

The Word of God lights the path and makes the way clear for the next step.

Don't expect to see the next two steps - just the next one. The enemy has a firm agenda - that of distracting you.


Look at The One Who dies with your name on His lips, and Who lives with your name inscribed on His palm.

We are in the business of Forever!