"I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows)."
John 10:10b
Are you experiencing Abundant Life?
It's His heart for you. It's the reason He came. There is nothing in the Bible that promises a cream-puff life. But of course, that's not Abundant Life.
If your heart is throbbing for Him, you know it.
If your thrill is in Him, you will think about Him, talk about Him, and want to be like Him
If you want to be like Him, the things He allows are received in prayer and thankfully, even when the experience is excruciating.
Abundant Life means being lifted up from the things of this world, and it happens when the Soldier of The Cross walks in The Light. It comes from accepting by faith that His way is better than all of your designs. It comes from following after Him in the moments of choice.
Did Paul suffer? Did everyone love him? Were there false accusations? Was he ever cold and hungry? You must admit the prison epistles radiate with Abundant Life.
It's about agreeing with God. No matter what.
Tell Him. Aloud