I have heard many people say, "I would not have gotten through it without the Lord."
Or course they would have gotten through it. Those without Christ get through all sorts of things. The difference is, we who are His have Hope, the teaching of the Sovereignty of God and Place to go.
And He is surely that in the storm. A Place to go. He is our Fortress and our High Tower. The Rock of Ages can't be budged, even when all else is crumbling. He is a Place of protection. He shields us from all that is not good for us.
He holds us and lifts us above the matter.
Soon there will be no sorrow or sickness. No darkness. No time.
In the meantime, He who has engraved your name on the palm of His hand knows what you need, what you want and what you can take. Can He be trusted?
You are not a Soldier of the journey, or a Soldier of the plan. You are not a Soldier of the try-harder camp.
You are a Soldier of The Cross. The place where the flesh is put to death and your will is given in service to His.
The experience of the Fortress and the High Tower is in prayer. Tell Him you need Him. And trust Him. And will serve Him no matter what. Make room for God to be glorified.
Tell Him. Alone and aloud.