Your next hours belong to the Lord.
It is tempting to plan and even pray as though the time belonged to you. It is more than your managing the use and spending of the days. It is a matter of seeing that the One who spoke the universe into being, is the one who will lead you through.
There must be a vision of waiting for Him, looking for Him and then recognizing and following Him. It doesn't mean that we are robots, moving only when the signal strikes us. It means Light. Wisdom. It means making mistakes and then seeing the alternatively better choice. It means abandon unto Him and no other.
It means admitting you do not have the capacity to run your own life.
Soldier of The Cross, He is never boring. He is never passive. He is never slow.
He who is Love has designed you to take up The Cross, the place of the death of the flesh, and follow Him.
Tell Him you will do anything to learn to obey.
Tell Him alone and aloud.