
     What is Faith?

     Believing God and acting accordingly.

     Soldier of The Cross, you have no idea what He is doing.  It seems like He is doing nothing and letting things fall  apart, but of course, that is not the case.  Inasmuch as He knows each time a sparrow falls, He is surely aware of the things that are distressing to you.

     He is your High Tower. 
     He is your Shepherd.
     He is your King.
     He is the Lover of Your Soul.
     He is your own personal Prince of Peace and He has made many promises that He cannot and will not break.
     He is the Great Physician.  If there is  no physical healing,  it means He has something better.
     He called you.  He chose you.
     He named you.
     He collects your tears and He counts the hairs on your head.  He is far more aware of the situation that you are.

     He has written to you and it is absolutely personal.

     Soldier, you only know what you know.  He sees it all and knows the beginning from the end.  You have a worm's eye view and you are constantly trying to fill in the blanks.  You are fanticizing a good result.

     You have a Lord.  The One who holds the stars in place has promised His attention and His Best.

     He Loves you beyond any human concept.

     Whom do you love?  For whom would you give your life?  Would you turn your head during the suffering of the target of your love?  Of course not.

     Neither does He.  He hears you.  He is on it. 

     The issue is, let Him have His way, what ever it is.  His way is far better than yours and may possibly not be revealed until eternity.

     Are you a Soldier or are you a wimp?  Is it possible you are more aware of the problem than He?

     Tell Him you will agree with Him.  No matter what.
     Tell Him aloud.