False Witness:

    An interesting commandment.

    So much damage takes place via the unwise tongue.

    I was contacted today by someone who has discovered a newly published falsehood about her.  Of course in today's web of communication possibilities, the internet becomes a new pressure hose of the latest news about anything interesting.  

    People are always more interested in hearing something stunning, so bad news about another person throbs to be unleashed.  By the flesh, that is.

     I have found that few are able to resist.   The initial speaker usually considers himself to be a victim, and when he passes on the tale,  it is edited and expanded in order to cause the listener to feel something - against the targeted person.   Then, like all gossip, when it is passed from the next to the next,  it is crafted and cultivated until it is often nothing like the first report.

    I have noticed that this often starts with "I have something to share so you can pray about it. . ."

     Soldier of The Cross,  you weren't there.  You have no idea what happened, even if you are told.  With rare exceptions, you should excuse yourself from the conversation.  I have often done this and have made myself unpopular with the speaker.  However, I refuse to listen character assassination and as a believer, I am responsible for my obedience to the ninth commandment.

     It can be painful.  Those who are eager to tell you the horrifying thing also want you to side with them and like them.

     I constantly have to bring this to the Lord.  I want to learn to obey in every area, and I need to be changed.

     There is a wonderful saying in Spanish and when translated, it goes something like this:  "No one knows what is really in the pot of food except the spoon that stirs it."

     Soldier, your hands are His, your money is His, your time is His.  The enemy is always at work to divide.  In many cases, it is almost impossible to have rich fellowshop restored once it has been broken by gossip.  There can be divine intervention,. but it is the most lethal force of the enemy in the Church today.

     Come before Him and commit the matter to Him.