
     Whose are you?

     Are you His or, in fact, are you yours?

     There is a bottom line issue here.  If you are His, it means that on a regular basis you are telling Him He can do anything with your life.  You are telling Him you will go anywhere, and you are telling Him you will say what He wants you to say.    If this is not happening, chances are, you are holding back a personal reserve.

     Oh, Soldier.  Is there anything to gain by holding back?

     The real issue is, can He be trusted?   Is here any advantage to holding back? 

     Who has all knowledge?
     Who is Love?    
     Who holds the stars in place?
     Who called you and named you?

      Many are devoted to business.  To family.  To religion.

     Soldier of The Cross, stand before Him and let Him know you are His and that it is your bottom line. 

     Tell Him aloud.  Today.