The Real Battleground:

        The battleground is the mind.

     And you have a protection because you have the Indwelling Holy Spirit who is the Interpreter and Elucidator of God’s Word.

     Soldier, you simply can’t think as do those who have no Lord.  You must learn to choose your thoughts.

     Most Christians are not aware that there is a choice.   And, the about-face takes discipline.  Whatever the crises is, it is ensconcing itself in your thoughts. It wants a little home and it wants to be groomed and fed. Then discussed.

     What does God’s Word say?  Where are the thoughts coming from?

     How is it that you who are a Child of The King are wrestling with the problem over and over, thoughts going around and around in circles, trying to fanaticize about resolutions or consequences that will have to be dealt with?

    Does the enemy awaken you in the black of night with the pressing thoughts?

    What does God say?

    This is a process.  First, you must take in the Word and it needs to be fresh. I advocate memorizing a verse each day, just to remember for that day. It can be only a part of a verse, but you must say it aloud over and over.  Then when you are attacked, the Holy Spirit will bring up the verse to counteract the attack of the enemy.

     Is anything true? 
     Is He real? 
     Does He actually love us?  
     Is there an Indwelling Holy Spirit? 
     Is there Divine intervention?

     Yes, yes and yes.

     Soldier, you do not have to live in constant anguish and you can know His release before the situation is resolved.  This is about the promises and the instruction of God. 

     Pray about the battle that takes place in the mind. Pray aloud.  Then Read Hebrews 4 again and read it aloud.

     Memorize a verse or even only a line.  Say it over and over aloud.

     I can’t tell you how important it is to declare the Word of God aloud each day. Even just a phrase. A fresh phrase.

     My biggest concern about those who serve in “fulltime Christian service” is the neglect of the devotional life and the assault of the mind of which so few are aware.

     We have an enemy. He hates you. 

     Get on the offensive.   Aloud.





