
     Are you content?

     Contentment and passivity are mutually exclusive.  Contentment means accepting what the Lord has given, waiting on Him for change, or launching off in faith when there is only guaranteed failure by sight.

     Contentment means you have not set your own agenda.  It means you have told the Lord that even though you do not know any more than the next single step, you trust Him.

     Those who are content in Him do not demand to know why.
     They do not demand to know when or even where.

     They have told Him they will move when He wills, stay if He wills, and give if He wills.  They will speak or be silent and rely on Him for wisdom.

     Contentment frees the Soldier of The Cross to see what is really happening because the life of that one is not marinated in personal need.

     Soldier, tell Him all the time.    Tell Him you will trust Him.  That He can do anything with your life.
     Tell Him aloud.