
     When you gave your heart to the Lord, you gave up certain rights.

     You don't have the right to be understood.
     You don't have the right to be vindicated in this life.
     You don't have the right to financial security as defined by society.
     You don't have the right to be well treated by those closest to you.
     You don't have the right to be in control.
     You don't have the right to be right.

     Now, you have the right to the supernatural leading of the Indwelling Holy Spirit.
     You have the right to boldly approach the Throne of Grace.
     You have the right to be a pillar in the House of The Lord.
     You have the right to lay your life down for the Brethren.

     He who named you and gave Himself for you is preparing a Mansion for you.
     He is withholding no good thing.
     You have been bought with the most precious Price.

     You can only experience and enjoy the eternal rights when you stand before Him and give up the rights that will never last.