The Battle is in The Mind:
Christian character is determined by and built by, obedience to God's Word, especially in the most private of moments.
Soldier of The Cross, how do you make decisions? Are choices made because of pressure, sentimentality or desperation? Or, are your decisions based on His Word - no matter what?
The mind is always involved and it is the enemy's prime battle field of choice. The important thing is to recognize one's own thoughts and to make sure that if they do not line up with His Word, they are led away captive.
How does this actually happen ? When the matter is brought before the Lord in prayer, He opens the way for the Christian to recognize what is happening. That is the first step. Then, the Holy Spirit will initiate a choice that opens the door to obedience and allows escape from strangulating thoughts.
It is critical to be in the Word afresh each day. No matter what your verse is, the Lord will use it to provide release.
The thoughts are the most private of moments. As a man's life is the sum of his choices. Those choices must begin in the mind and must reflect his abandon to all that is not of God.
Soldier, are you a cheerful giver? Are you tempted to splash about in thoughts about your taking so much of the load?
Or, what has been done to you?
Or, worry about the future?
Or resentment about something that is out of your control?
Or a fantasy about what could be?
The Christian Servant must agree with God and it begins in the mind. If there is agreement there, the life will reflect the Lord and there will be an outpouring of Love and healing.
There is simply nothing else.
There is no one else.