A Hot Heart:

     Soldier, seek out those who are in love with Him.

     Be with them as often as you can and pray with them.

     If they are in another city, go be with them. If they are in another country, go be with them. Do what it takes. Because, it is about being with Him and it is essential.

     If you are unable to move about, He will bring His Own to you. But be praying about this. There is nothing as releasing and healing as being with and seeing Jesus.

     Tell Him.  Aloud.


Getting Burned?


     Those who are the most noble and succeed in helping others, often get badly hurt.

     We who love the Lord and consider ourselves His, often fall into the trap of thinking that if we are wise and prayerful, certain will not happen. Of course that is not the case.

     The finest and most successful firefighters still get singed. More importantly, the deeper the commitment, the more attractive it is to be a Living Sacrifice, the more consistent the prayer life, the more vigorous the prosecution.

     Each day, you must predetermine your life is not your own, and that He can do anything He wants to with your life.

     It is the highest Freedom.

     Tell Him. Aloud.
     Then, look up and move on.

Peace in a Troubled World:


     The battle is in the mind.

     We are to be aware of what we are thinking and we are to do something about it (II Corinthians 10:5.)

     Soldier of The Cross, we must always be reminded of the basics. How did David encourage himself in the Lord? (I Samuel 30:6)

     We have no idea, because we are all so unique.  One thing is sure - David did not draw encouragement from his circumstances. He didn't evaluate things and decide maybe God could fix everything. It appeared to be all over! He had to have gone back to basics.

     Is He real?
     Can He be trusted?
     Do I want to writhe and flop about this, or should I agree with God.

     You are not a resident of this world. You are just passing through. That's why you  need the "Lamp unto your feet" and the "Light unto your Path."

     This is not just an act of the will: there must be deliberate prayer about this. I can't will myself into resting in Him. There must be seeking Him in prayer. There must be submission in prayer. You have the Indwelling Holy Spirit to comfort and to guide, and to reveal Jesus.

     Soldier, interestingly, much suffering is the result of the thought life.

     Agree with God.







     The least issue in life is money.

     Yet, it always feels like we are subject to it, or that it has so much power.

     What are we told? That we can't out give God and that He can be tested in this area. Yet, so few take Him at His Word.

     Soldier of The Cross,  if you can't trust God in the area of money, you can't trust him in any area. According to His Word, money is the easiest. Of course, it feels like the hardest because it feels as though money controls so many things,.

     It is not true. He controls money. There are laws He has set in motion that have to do with giving and trust.

     It is crucial to learn this, and the learning never ends. We are constantly attacked in this area, and it is imperative that the matter is always before Him.

     Soldier, take it to Him and do it aloud. It is about agreeing with God and not clinging to what feels valuable.

     Faith is the most valuable element in learning to love. There is no freedom to love with abandon until there is the release that comes from financial obedience and holy giving.

Tell Him about it. Now.


     Never let the urgent take place of the important.

     This is not easy, as we are all subject to pressure. Have you noticed how different things seem when you are geographically far away from the problem? Or how magnified things seem in the night when you can't sleep?

     Learning to lean on The Everlasting Arms is life long, and it only comes by plowing through the gauntlet of life's unsolved matters.

     His agenda is to be our agenda, and, and it only happens, first by prayer, and then by obedience.

     There will never be a time in this life when it all comes together and we can say we are on top of it.

     Soldier of The Cross, you were created to rely on Him. That's why you are so miserable when you thrash around and try to figure out a solution.

     You must do the thing that is before you. Without committed prayer, you will be distracted as long as the matter is unresolved. In this way,  so   many Christians bump through life, missing many opportunities to minister and attend to others.

     You were created to be free. His banner over you is not tension and frustration: His Banner Over you is Love!

     Soldier, bring this to him. Aloud.

Peace in the Word Storm:

Never return evil for evil.

It is far too easy to hurl back what the speaker deserves.

It always foolish.

It is not possible to balance the scale in this life, and that is why we have been admonished to return good for evil. Much of the time, returning good simply means saying nothing.

Soldier of The Cross, the mouth is the mirror of the mind.

It is not about being passive, rather it is about being obedient.  And, what a protection it is. 

You do not always have to fix it.

There is never any sight until there is obedience!

Soldier, look up and move on!










     It seems many Christians  unconsciously expect God to follow them.

     Not so- we are expected to follow Him.

     Soldier of The Cross, the daily taking up of The Cross and the following of Him means that you are going to be willing to go into places that seem unbearable or worse.  

     The fact is, Faith is a frontier.  Each Believer is called to follow Him into a Place previously unknown, in order to prepare that Soldier for Heaven. 

     We only imagine what is possible.  But the One Who created it all out of nothing goes before us and is beckoning us to follow Him into unimaginable delights of that faith Frontier.

     Soldier, are you willing or not?  You must tell him, because if you don't, you will be stuck in your world of concept.

     Tell Him.  Now.


The Bottom Line:

     Soldier of The Cross, the fact is, He is Real.

     That changes everything.

     So many Christians fall into emotional labor and distress for the same reasons that draw the unsaved into worry and worse.  But, we have a Lord.  He has told us that we can be led.

     We have the Indwelling Holy Spirit and that means we do not need to wander about, complain and flail, or spout off about how bad things are.

     Many have not chosen to be Overcomers.  You have made that choice.   You are attracted to being a Living Sacrifice and when push comes to shove, you absolutely know He will lead.

     So look up and follow.

     Tell him.  Now.

The Real You:

     Soldier of the Cross, what do you really want?

     Have you relinquished your agenda in prayer?  Or are you still telling the Lord how to fix this?

     Your perspective is so tiny compared to His incomprehensible Sovereignty.

     So, Soldier, buck  up and tell Him you are available for anything and everything.  After all, are you a Living Sacrifice?

     Tell Him, and tell Him  aloud.  You need to hear the words you are offering up. The Indwelling Holy Spirit will lead you in prayer.
     Then, look up and move on!


The Race:

     It's simple- it is about the Pursuit of God.

     It is not about knowledge.
     It is not about keeping the rules.
     It is not about the best reputation- many martyrs have been tortured or killed for crimes they never committed.
     It is not about doing as much as possible for everyone.

     It is about taking up the Cross daily and following hard after Him.  That is the only way to be a disciple.  (Luke 9:23)

     The Cross is the place of the death of the flesh, and the place of identifying with His sufferings.

     Apart from this vigorous pursuit, there is no Rest. (Hebrews 4:9)
     Apart from this pursuit, there is no Peace.
     Apart from this pursuit, there is no rich fellowship with others or with Him.
     Apart from this pursuit, there is no confidence in His Word.
     Apart from this pursuit, there is no vision.  No wisdom.  No Light.  No Life.

     Soldier of The Cross, all we do involves one foot at a time.  Most seldom feel like praying, because it is a physical process as well as spiritual.  It has to be done.  Without prayer, there is no sight at all- life is a braille experience.

     Go to Him now and do it aloud.  Allow the Holy Spirit to lead you, and tell Him you will pay any price to be a disciple.  
     After all, He paid the Price for you.