So many times I have heard Christians say, "well, now, there is nothing to do but pray."
The real meaning is, if there were something they could think of doing, that thing would be done to resolve the matter, and probably without prayer.
The worse we perceive the situation to be, the stronger the urge to immediately do something. Much damage is done by well-meaning folks who rush into a situation, saying all the right things, but ministering death instead of Life.
Of course there are events such as medical emergencies, fire, etc, that require instant physical attention. More often than not, other kinds of situations involve someone close, and the flesh screams to do something right now.
We have good instruction about clothing the naked, feeding the hungry. visiting those in prison and laying our lives down for the brethren. Interestingly these activities have not been experienced by many.
When it comes to being misquoted, misunderstood, or something not granted that should have been ours, the old nature is energized and the mind immediately goes into a whirlwind of unproductive thought.
Something terrible done by your spouse ought not to be addressed at all until there has been prayer. Submissive prayer that yields up the situation to Him for any result that will glorify Him.
When you stepped across the Line and told Him you would be wholly His, you gave up a lot of rights:
You don't have the right to be understood.
You don't have the right to be treated well all the time.
You don't have the right to sputter and carry on for hours on the phone when you are misunderstood or someone takes action against you.
And whoever said if you did everything right, your children would turn out to be what you always wanted for them?
Soldier, you do have the right to approach the Throne of Grace.
Let's go first to the only One who will do a real fix instead of applying a Band-Aid. Those who pray early and much about everything will walk in The Light. There is a release of the Holy spirit in submissive prayer that gives endurance and points out wisdom.
We are adopted Sons.
Tell Him today. And do it aloud so you are carefully choosing words and can hear the Holy Spirit leading you.