Soldier of The Cross, serving the Lord is not about your preferences.
The music is not what you like?
The pastor paces too much?
The order of the service is not what you would like?
You don't get enough attention?
Are you a Living Sacrifice or are you not? Laying down your life for the Brethren means letting go of the things that get under your skin. It means being willing to dig in to service and ministry without having a check list. It means Obedience.
Far too many Christians church shop or move to another church because of an offense or because there is something that doesn't make the list.
Obviously, you can't support heresy. But you can support imperfection, and the issue is, none of us knows what that is in a church in this life.
Soldier, minister.
It is not about how you are treated, and it is not about what you prefer. It is about taking it all to Him in prayer and being willing to be used, no matter what.
Put your anchor down in the church where God has led you, and serve with all your might.
Tell Him you will do this. Tell Him aloud.