The Real Forgiveness:

         Unquestionably today's Church is rampant with Believers angry at each other.

     If offense is not dealt with quickly, it becomes infected and spreads itself through the tongue of the one infected. 

     Let's take inventory:

     You are a Soldier of The Cross, right?   What does that mean?   It means you  have crossed The Line and have told the Lord he can do anything with your life and that you want to be changed into His Likeness.  That comes at a cost, but not at the price of relinquishing your Blood-bought right to know supernatural healing in all areas of life.

     So much of psychology is the review of hurt.   The study of the old nature.

     There is a misconception of real forgiveness.  Forgiveness does not have to mean reconciliation, and in many cases reconciliation would not be healthy.   Forgiveness is not for the offender; it is for you.  For your benefit. For your release. For the flow of His Life through you.

     Real forgiveness happens in prayer and is done by faith.  It doesn’t mean feeling differently toward the person or persons, but it means that you have obeyed Him and considered following Him more important than self protection and wound-licking.

     I believe the battle in prayer should be fought aloud if possible. When you pray aloud, you say it and you hear it.  Your words are carefully chosen instead of cloudy thoughts that often drift about.

     We are to bless our enemies. What does that mean?  Ask the Lord what that means for you.  It could be something you can do for a need and it might have to be anonymous.  You have the Indwelling Holy Spirit to lead you.

     Stop talking about the thing that has hurt you so much and set about to do things for others.  This will bring significant release and joy.  

     Take it to Him. Today. 
     And aloud if you can.