Soldier of The Cross, be sure that you do not need to be right all the time.
How do you react when you are wrong? Is it an issue? Are you compelled to defend yourself? Are you angry at the one who corrected you? Must you defend yourself and assault the offender?
These are important questions, because you have volunteered to be one in service of the Great Commander. You are in the service of the One who holds the stars in place. If you have a hard time being corrected, you have some serious situations ahead.
Is it important to be right? Is it important that all involved know that you are right? Is it important to make it clear that someone else is wrong?
Soldier, get your priorities in order and gaze upon the One whom we serve.
Did He have to make it clear that He was right when He was on the Cross?
Tell the Lord that you are His and that He can have His way in His time.
Tell Him aloud.