Those who speak with Him privately are beautifully transparent in public prayer.
I am always interested when Christians pray about the weather. Certainly, He can calm the winds and the waves. Those who have a thorough acquaintance with God's Word know that Job teaches that satan can control the weather.
Unquestionably, we may approach the Creator to request His hand with regard to the weather. But so many ask that the entire force of nature be bent for the benefit of some event or plan. Sometimes, the request is only for a more convenient condition. Rarely is the request for the purpose of anything that concerns Love, or the well-being of others.
Often, people blast into the tender and private lives of others while praying about the issue at hand.
It is much too easy to decide what God should do in another's life and then ask according to your assessment of that one's need. Be careful. As soon as you begin praying for a specific about someone else's life, you are on sacred ground.
When we pray , we must remove our shoes (figuratively) and pray from the standpoint that we know and see little. The Holy Spirit can and will lead.
It is particularly critical to come in humility and in the posture of laying down our lives for the Brethren.
He who prays much for the troubled one, will be increasingly sensitive to the need for the Lord to dig deeply without hindrence.
He is so great, and we are so small. How rich and fabulous it is that He loves us, leads us and uses us to care for each other and to carry out His Plan.