For the Soldier of The Cross, the Joy of The Lord is available when there is Obedience.
So many are the stories of torture and isolation. But for those who have stood the test, there is always a testimony of the experience of the Presence and the Joy of The Lord.
Soldier of The Cross, if you are indeed a Soldier, it means you have determined to take up The Cross and follow Him. The Cross is the place of the death of the flesh. That means that you embrace anything the Sovereign God wills.
Soldier, I ask you today, are you His, or are you yours? This is the critical question.
It separates you and protects you from false accusation. It protects you against the attack of the enemy.
It energizes you to get into The Word.
It propels you into prayer.
It compels confession.
It releases Love.
Soldier, is there anything else?
Look up and move on!