The Power of His Resurrection:

   Soldier of The Cross, His Power is unlimited.    He has conquered death.    You have at hand the same resurrection Power.  Soldier,  you may feel defeated, but the truth is, you are a Victor.    It may seem that the path is obscured, but you have the supernatural Light of the Word, which is a Lamp unto your feet and a Light unto your path.    If you are in fellowship with the Lord, you may and must learn to walk in the Power of the Holy Spirit - you must learn to do more than the job requires.  You must learn to exercise your gift(s).  You must learn to give financially and pray in your daily bread.  You must learn to withhold the eager tongue and to speak the difficult.    You must not be offended.  You must not complain.  You must not wound-lick.  You must not resent.  You must not sass.  You must not get even - return evil for evil.    There is so much more.  You are able to walk in the Light because you have been born into The Kingdom of Light - the Kingdom, of His Dear Son.  He has given you the Provision, and you have supernatural Power to walk on the water.    The only condition is, you must take up the Cross, and follow Him.  In prayer.  Daily.    Aloud.