Who can lay all burdens at the feet of the Lord?
Is it possible to live without worry?
We are told we must give him all our anxiety. We are told to roll our burdens on the Lord. Therefore, there must be a way. The problem is, most people have an addiction to the habit of worry.
There must be a time when the Believer decides that he or she is going to lean on the Everlasting Arms. If you have met the Lord, you are empowered to do this. To make matters even simpler, you were not designed to carry the burden of worry.
Worry is the state of mind in which one attempts to fantasize about a solution or a consequence. Often, worry concerns something that will never happen.
Worry is sin. It is distracting, crippling and blinding.
Learning to trust the Lord is a process. It begins with a decision and with telling Him so in prayer. Then, the Holy Spirit reminds the Soldier of The Cross that there is choice.
Do not be satisfied with less than all of the release into which you have been born.
Tell him that you will learn to lean on Him. Tell him aloud.