Soldier of The Cross, remember that the Lord looks on the heart.
Many things are not as they appear, and that is the reason we have been told not to judge.
When we come before Him, we know that we are able to come just as we are. He receives all who come before Him in honesty. In rescuing those who are without Christ, one of the most important things to be realized is that no one is outside of His reach.
There are verses that no one can explain away - those that say that some will turn away and some will be reprobate. We do not attempt to present answers. Many have tried and for the most part, they fail. We simply take God at His Word and we admit that there are things we can not understand.
In the meantime, we preach in season and out of season.
We have several missionaries who have gone out under our mission, and they are ministering in some of the most difficult areas of the world. They are in the difficult places of the former Soviet Union, including Siberia. They minister to the elderly and dying, the severe alcoholics as well as those who are religious without the Lord.
These faithful saints will be there first to tell you that there is always hope for salvation. Grace is always more than enough to bring the most fallen sinner out of the deepest quicksand.
Prepare your heart. In the Word and in prayer. Make sure there is no deliberate sin in your life. Then, go out and be available.