Seek Ye First:

     Can it really be true?

     Is it possible that we are called to take up His agenda before fixing the personal things that seem so urgent?  What is the real meaning of the well-known verse?

     God has never wasted words.  He has never made a feeble calling, nor has He asked of us something that is unnecessary.  In fact He leads us to the richest pastures, leads us to the most still waters as He leads us directly through the middle of this life's most intense issues.

     God's priorities are the only protected path through this life.  He is interested in teaching His Own to invest in eternity.  To love unconditionally.  To trust Him.  To live free from anxiety.  To be sighted.  To consider others first.

     Soldier of The Cross, if He says you should first seek The Kingdom,  it must be the best thing for you.  Take the matter to Him in prayer.  Allow the Indwelling Holy Spirit to reveal what it means.  Memorize the verse along with surrounding verses.

        Lord, please teach me to live for you and you alone.  I lift up my life to you
        and ask that you would use me in any way that honors you.  I want the spend
        my thought,  time and energy building what is eternal.  Please renew my vision
        for the Body of Christ.  I ask that all that I am and have would be used to reveal 
        you.  I know that my understanding is limited,  but I am asking you to change my
        heart and mind to line up with yours.