
     What makes a believer secure?

     Learning to live by faith.

     Living by the hand of God is the only way to taste His Provision.   I believe God's people should be industrious and should love to work.  But there is a danger in thinking we are providing for ourselves.  The Soldier of The Cross must learn to pray "Give us this day our daily bread. . ."

     If we have much, it is not more of blessing than if we have little. The blessing is in the will of God.  The issue is living by prayer and not by independence.  The same principle applies to relationships, the spending of time, reputation, family and health.

     Have you told Him He can do anything with your life?  If so, He will begin to reveal to you the "hidden things."  They are revealed through prayer and when there is an exercising of the faith muscle.

     There is no anxiety greater than self-sufficiency.
     There is no peace deeper than resting in Him and trusting that He will provide or show the way.