He is predictable in that He is faithful and will do the best thing.
It has been said that if something does not work the first time, trying it over and over guarantees more failure. Yet, it took seven of the same dips in the dirty Jordan river before Naman was healed.
Who can win a battle by decreasing the army? Why not wipe out Pharaoh's army before the Red Sea? Why not just pre-plan and provide carts of food for the multitude?
Soldier of The Cross, you crossed the Line when you told him He could do anything with your life. That means that you are committed to wait for Him and do it His way, and in His time. It might mean a long wait or it might mean a decision without the usual time to mull and analyze. He is preparing us for heaven.
We do not have the capacity to understand why, but we were created to agree with Him and to love His ways.
We tend to want Him to approve of our ways, and often we mistake that waiting for His approval to be the wanting of His will.
Those who have decided to follow Him have learned that He will answer in ways that are out of the ordinary. No matter what He does, it remains new and there is Glory in it.
Most of us tend to limit Him, especially as we grow older.
Lord, in spite of my craving for the familiar and the predictable, I tell you in prayer now that I want you more than anything. Please teach me to submit and to recognize you. Do whatever needs to be done in me in order to bring about your own likeness.
I want to learn to move or wait according to your leading. I want to be available to move into anything and follow you anywhere. I want your way at any cost.