Self Image:

     No one who is taking up The Cross and following Him has a sense of being on top of everything.

     The whole self-image business is putting the cart before the horse.  Why do I need an improved self-image?  If I am insecure or somehow damaged, that needs to be addressed, but not by convincing me that I can be fixed.

     A believer with a poor self image has a problem because the scriptures teach we should not be comparing ourselves using our own standards.  

     We must be looking at the Lord and scrambling hard after Him.  When I am moving and busy with His agenda, I am not thinking about myself or feeling sorry for myself.  When I am serving others, my attention is on others, and not on myself or my issues.  Not only that, but where does the Bible say I should think highly of myself?

     Here is God's answer to the self image problem - "And He said to all, If any person wills to come after Me, let him deny himself [disown himself, forget, lose sight of himself and his own interests, refuse and give up himself] and take up his cross daily and follow Me [cleave steadfastly to Me, conform wholly to My example in living and, if need be, in dying also].
        Luke 9:23 (Amplified Bible)

     Those Christians do not have self-image problems, who are standing before the living God each day and telling Him that He can do anything with their lives. They are eager to be changed.  Eager to be like Him.  And they are not occupied with feeling, but are occupied with Him.

     We are human and we all experience failure, misunderstanding and inadequacy.  We can never be our own Everlasting Arms. 

     Security is in Him. 
     The anxiety is given to Him.
     We agree with Him in the loss.
     We agree with Him in all things and we know we are in the cleft of the Rock.


     What does the hymn say: ". . .He hideth my life with the depths of His Love. . ."

     Soldier of The Cross, it's true. It is really true. 
     Agree with Him today.