Those who have yielded to the Sovereignty of God during times of loss have been able to do so because they have lived in the practice of agreeing with God.
It is often the little things of every day life that are our undoing. It is during those thorny moments that the rubber meets the road. Perspective is off and here comes the Flesh Flash!
From cover to cover, God's Word tells us where our attention should be and how we should behave. We are not allowed time off for bad behavior!
Those who are solid are solid in private as well as in public. This is the result of agreeing with God in prayer, then in attitude.
Soldier of The Cross, can He do anything in and with your life? Are you able to tell Him so?
You have nothing to lose except insecurity, fear and anxiety.
Lord, I stand before you tonight and state before the unseen powers of the universe that I am yours. I ask you to teach me what it means to lose my life so I can find it. I want to learn to agree with you in all things.
I trust you. By faith I step over the line and ask to live a life of faith that is such that I can be trusted with things that don't make sense to the human mind.
Please Lord, do anything in the deepest parts of me in order to bring about your likeness in me.