You have the right to Sonship. You have the right to an audience before the Throne, anytime, anywhere and for any reason. You have the right to repentance and forgiveness. You have the right to the inheritance you have and the assurance by the Holy Spirit's Seal of Promise.
You do not have the right to earthly security. You do not have the right to a good reputation. You do not have the right to be accepted. You do not have the right to be offended. You do not have the right to have your own way. You do not have the right to be understood.
In fact, the one who has given his life to the Lord has agreed to be a Living Sacrifice and has made the decision to set aside the things that are not of the Cross.
This is a daily decision. In prayer.
Are you alive unto the world? Or are you dead to the world and alive unto Christ?
It is a daily decision.