
     Marriage was never intended to be a state of human bliss.

     For the period of Time, marriage is a picture of Christ and the Church.  It is an opportunity for the taking up of The Cross. 

     Today's modern Christianity proposes some kind of formulaic allowance for domestic fulfillment.  God's Word does not indicate any such thing.

     The Soldier of The Cross is to lay down his or her life for the other and is to be a Living Sacrifice.  There is not one verse in the Bible indicating that marriage is about personal fulfillment or human happiness.  That is a modern philosophical slant concerning the matter on which God has made Himself abundantly clear.

     Marriage is an opportunity to die to self.

     I see no wiggle room in God's Word.

     Over the years, many have said to me "I just don't love him any more. . ."  I say, according to God's Word, you lower your horns, you serve the Lord, and you behave as God's Word indicates - you lay down your life for the other.  

          There are situations that are not as they appear.  We are not free to judge.  Each is in his or her own situation.  Inasmuch as we are His and find ourselves under The Blood, we submit to Him and we refuse the screaming demands of the flesh.

     Give it to Him and do it aloud.  Over and over and over.  Hold His Word in your hand.  Lift it up as high as you can and declare that you agree with Him. Tell Him that you want Him glorified more than you want your feelings to be assuaged.

     God's Word is More Real Than the Way That You Feel.
     There is nothing else.
     Make your decision and make it aloud before Him.