We know our Treasure must be in the eternal.
Yet, here we are. The days are numbered and the body is decaying. It seems like some things are completely out of control, and then we enter into conflict between what we know can be, and what is.
What is real?
Those who are His have the Indwelling Holy Spirit. He makes all the difference in how things are perceived. There is only one reality; that which is experienced by faith.
In the thick of the howling storm, He is faithful to point us to The Cross. To the One who is Love. To our real home - in Glory.
Soldier of The Cross, those who walk by faith are those who see heaven clearly and have wisdom for the hours of Time.
They are calm. They lead ordered lives, but are resilient when assailed by the unexpected. They pass through this life with a song in the heart and Love in their eyes. They aren't perfect, but they don't miss a thing - they just have their priorities in the order of His.
Heaven can be seen the most clearly when faith blows away the fog of earthly treasure.