The Cost:

     Lord, as I stand before you tonight, I declare my intense and determined desire to be a Servant of the Living God.

     As so often before, I restate my request to be transformed into to your likeness, no matter what the cost.

     I understand that the cost of discipleship is letting go of anything and everything.  I understand that the cost of Your Presence is the releasing of my clenched fists that so desperately want my children to succeed and my image to remain untarnished.

     Oh God of the Universe, consider my hands that are lifted up to you.  I am helpless to resolve my own situation and am deeply grateful that you oversee all.

     So tonight Lord, I beg too be changed.  Do whatever needs to be done.  I submit to you.  I acknowledge my inability to fix it.

     Please Lord, take my uplifted hand and pull me out of this.

     My Lord and my God.