Law and Grace:
The child of the slave and the child of the free will never co-habit.
Soldier of The Cross, you have been born into the supernatural. This means you have the power to walk by faith and to submit to Him. It means that His Word is alive to you.
It means that you are no longer under the law, but must know and understand that everything about your relationship with Him is because of Grace.
If you think there is one thing that can make you better, you are under the law.
It is critical to be obedient. It is critical to agree with God. It is critical to set a watch on your mouth. You must love the unlovely and you must acknowledge that you own nothing and it is all His.
None of the above makes you any better. He did it all. Grace means, the Work is Finished.
Sin can and does dull the experience of salvation and quenches the Spirit.
It is not about improving. It is about learning to live in the dimension into which we have been born.
There is nothing that blinds a Christian like sin. There is little that is more crippling than legalism. The Christian walk is about the death of the flesh and that means taking up The Cross and following Him.
It is not a concept - there is no discipleship without The Cross.
Soldier, stop self-evaluating and gaze upon Him. In prayer, take up the Cross and follow hard after the One who holds the stars in place. He adores you. He longs to hear from you and cherishes each thought you have of Him.
Tell Him you are His and that you want nothing else.
Tell Him Alone and aloud.