Thankful for the Hard Things:
If you agree with God, you will be able to thank Him for even the hardest things.
Do you agree that He is Sovereign over all? You must thank Him for the hard things.
Do you agree that He knows what is best for you? Do you believe Him when He says He will withhold no good thing? You must thank Him for the hard things.
Do you believe He loves you and that He gave His life for you? You must thank Him for the hard things.
Do you agree that He is preparing you for heaven? You must thank Him for the hard things.
Do you believe He has set you free and put you in a large place? Do you believe He will heal your land?You must thank Him for the hard things.
Do you believe He is preparing a Place for you? You must thank Him for the hard things.
Soldier, you must learn to come before Him and name the thing that seems so impossible and painful. According to God's Word, you must also be able to thank Him for all things, and you must be able to trust that He knows what is best for you. Why do so many Christians live roller coaster lives? Because they interpret the pleasant to be good for them and the unpleasant and/or painful to be not good for them.
You have the power to thank God for all things that He allows in your life. You have the Indwelling Holy Spirit. There is no power greater. That power is activated by obedience.
Do not settle for less than seeking Him over all else.
Stand firm on His Word.
Agree with God.
Experience the freedom and healing that is yours in Christ. Live in release so that you can reveal Christ to a lost world.