Neither To the Left Nor to The Right:
Soldier of The Cross, it is not your job to deal with those who would distract.
The book of Nehemiah teaches us that when there is any rebuilding of The Wall, there are those who are always threatened. They will rattle sabers, advance gossip, give false reports and do absolutely anything they can do to subvert God's Work.
Sometimes the enemy is seen and sometimes unseen. All of the time, there is opposition to His Work. It He who makes the way. It is He who prepares a Table before us in the presence of our enemies. It is He who anoints our heads with oil. It is His rod and His staff.
He is the Shepherd who leads us beside the still waters.
Are you a Soldier of The Cross? Have you decided to follow Him? When you become aware of the swirl, take hold of The Word. You know where it comes from
Set your face like flint. Look neither to the left nor to the right.
Gaze upon the Lover of Your Soul.