Serving and Loving:

     Soldier, the Lord is not looking for brilliant, trained, charismatic or skinny servants.


     He isn't looking for dragon-slayers.


     He is looking for those who will grasp the Outstretched Hand.  Those are the ones He can use.  Those are the ones who will let Him say what He wants to say when He wans to say it and where He wants it to be said.


     Tell Him.

Next Week:

     You may not live in the same way as those who have no Rock of Ages.


     You have been promised that all your needs would be provided. And, at the time the matter must be addressed.


     As soon as there is an unmet need the flesh begins to writhe and contort and will not rest until there is resolution.  The flesh wants it now.  Visible.  Tangible.  Done.


     No one is exempt.  That is what the flesh always wants.  When there is a bill without available resources to pay it,  the assault is vigorous.    Worry has to do with the unknown - some impending issue.


     But, we have Him.  He has promised.  Not to do it in our time in our way, but in His time and in His way.  And, His way is always beyond our conception.


     Set your vector toward the frontier of faith.  There will never be disappointment in Him.  The flesh has to be retrained, but consider the fact that worry is unnatural to the Redeemed, and faith is the natural environment of His Own.


     You were created for faith and  not for worry.  That's why worry, jealousy, lust  and resentment are the enemy's favorite arrows.  You were not designed to handle those feelings or thoughts. That's why worry is so bad.  That's why it feels so terrible and demands a solution now.


     Learn to recognize what is happening.  The Holy Spirit will draw your attention to Him and away from your frantic desire for visible assurance.  We already have assurance by faith - far better than the visible.


     Pour it out to Him in the cathedral of your heart.  He can take it.


     Do it aloud.  Today.




The Finer Things:

     You have been called and you have been chosen.


     Are you His?  If so, certain things are assumed:


     You do not have the right to complain.
     You do not have the right to be right.
     You do not have the right to be vindicated in this life.
     You do not have the right to be rewarded for what you have done or are doing.
     You do not have the right to have financial security absent faith.


     Aren't you a Soldier of The Cross?  Doesn't that mean the death of the flesh?   Is it beautiful for you?  Is there anything more desirable than leaving it all behind and following Him?


     The most common comment is "You just don't know what I am going through. . ." 


     The issue is, are you or are you not a Soldier of The Cross?    Are you His or are you yours?


     Let's talk about that child.  Autistic?  Serious behavioral issues?  No response in spite of numerous caregivers and professionals?


     Oh, Soldier, the child is His, and the battle is His.  Before the next session, stand before Him.  Tell Him you are secure in His Sovereignty.  Write the child's name on a piece of paper and hold it up to Him.


      Give Him the child.  Give Him the session.  Do it each day or each hour.


     Do it aloud.
     Today.  Time is short.


The Race:

    Soldier of The Cross, are you determined or are you not?

     It is a race.  A Divine race, orchestrated and energized by the Creator.  It means you can move with all your might, but only by faith. 

     Everything holds you back, and in particular the physical.  It's just so hard to get that Bible out and read.  It's just so hard to pray aloud, and everything seems to get in the way.  The body resists with everything it has.  Is there an enemy?

     Soldier,  you are reading this because you have already decided you want Him more than anything.  So, what stands in the way?

     Opinions of others?
     Your lack of energy?
     Impending doom?
     Financial issues?
     Children eating your heart away?
     Health problems?

     Oh, Soldier, He said He would never leave you and He has you in His grip.  A solid, eternal and loving grip.

     Give it to Him and race on.  Leave the past behind.

      Do it in prayer and do it aloud.
      Right now.



Christian Advice:

     One of the telling marks of Job's friends is, they just couldn't seem to hold it back.

     Not understanding the actual situation, they went on and on, spraying a mist of verbiage.  It sounded good, but was a ministry of death.

     There are times when all the right things to say are all the wrong things.  The Holy Spirit is both bold and tender, but He will always go beyond the surface facts or circumstances.

     Some are flattered when asked for advice.  Others fancy themselves to hold a spiritual authority that they don't hold.  Then, there are others who have strong feelings about matters that are none of their business, and they just have to be heard.

     For many years, I have been surprised at how easily Christians lie, gossip and hold grudges.  But more overwhelming is the inability to contain the leak of advice that is so often the fruit of spiritual immaturity.

     Soldier of The Cross,  be always prepared in prayer.  All ground is softened by prayer.  Prayer  brings light for the next step, even for another. Or, prayer can still the tongue.

     It is not about education, correct information or need to speak.  It's about His words in His way in His time.

     Make yourself available by prayer. 


The Finer Things:

     Soldier of The Cross, what are the best things in life?

     Consider the Word of God.  You would be the first to agree that His agenda is at the forefront.

      What about Peace?
      What about obedience?
      What about Power?
      What about Resolution.

      Oh, Soldier of The Cross, has He or has He not promised?

      Tell Him aloud.

You and The Storm:

     You can choose to cling to The Rock in the storm.

     Those without Him have no choice.  When the storm hilts, they complain, whine, rage and are frantic, because they have no one greater to come to the Rescue.

     Soldier, when things seem to explode or collapse, what do you do?  Is prayer the last resort, or the first thought? 

     If you are meeting with the Lord regularly and if you are in The Word, you are in tune with the gracious whisperings of the Indwelling Holy Spirit.  He immediately points out the choice of taking God at His Word.  He points out the need to roll the burden onto Him.   He reminds The Soldier that underneath are the Everlasting Arms.

     My observations as a lawyer are that most Christians have not learned to follow the Lord.  Few have decided to take up The Cross and follow Him.  Most will say that He is the Rock of Ages, but so few have experienced Him as such.

    Soldier, you must decide what you want.  If you will follow Him, He will lead you into security, freedom and remarkable Peace.  But, He will lead you through the fire and through the flood.

     No exceptions.

     So, tell Him you will follow him no matter what.    There is no other way for Him to be real to you.  Close to you.  Can he come in and sup with you?

     Tell Him aloud.



     Oh, Soldier, is there or is there  not power?

     Does He listen and answer?

     Of course. And, He has instructed you to call on Him wthout reservation.  What a fantastic thing!  Step forward and obey.

      We know so little,  We see so little.  And, we are designed to fall into the Everlasting Arms.   AFTer all, what else is there?

     Soldier, you are discouraged, but you must buck up.  You have the Word of God, and there is nothing to compare.  Tell Him you will lift your foot and put it in the place for which He gives Light.

     Tell Him aloud.

Different Prayer:

     Soldier, pray according to the thing that is needed, not according to your concept of how it can come about.

     Most tend to pray about circumstances and ask for things that could come about.

     What about praying for something that could never come about?  Do you have a vision of the impossible, but no vision for the process?

     Ask the Lord for it anyway.

     How could one dare to pray that the sun would stand still in the sky in order to win a battle?
     Whom do we serve?

     How could onedare to pray that it would not rain, and then that it would rain?
     Whom do we serve?

     How could someone dare to build a huge ark in the middle of land when it had never rained?
     Whom do we serve?

     Soldier of The Cross, the Holy Spirit will lead you to pray for the impossible, and for that which is beyond your concept.

     If you will allow Him to.

     Tell Him aloud.

The Storm:

     Soldier of The Cross, remember you have an enemy.

    He loves to get you worried.   He is effective at night because he loves to kick you when you are down.  He wakes you up and parades problems in front of you, grinding your face down into the unresolved matter.  Or the guilt.  Or the loss.

     Soldier, the enemy loves emotional violence and his plan is to cripple you by occupying your mind.

     Resisting him does not come from studying him - it comes from gazing upon Jesus.

     The battle is in the mind, and don't forget it.
     Learn to run to the One who has His hand outstretched to you.

     Tell Him.