The Battle:

     The Soldier of The Cross must respond to Him in obedience.

      Whatever He has ordained, the Soldier will accept and go through by faith.

      So, Soldier, what has He ordained? 
     What about the immediate and unbelievable land mine you stepped on? 
     What about the things others are saying about you? 
     What about your inability to fix it?
     What about how things look?

     Oh, Soldier.  Are you able to rest in The Everlasting Arms?  Is it possible that He has just toyed with you?

     Of course not.

     Get it straight with Him.

     Tell him aloud.


     Soldier of The Cross, you must see yourself in ministry.

     That does not mean you must take a position of leadership, it just means that your life must be about ministry.

     The verses that say we are to encourage each other, be zealously sharing the Gospel and attending to the needy, are written to all.

     Even from prison, Paul encouraged the Churches.  Many who are in limiting situations serve in intercessory prayer.

     Most can call someone with a verse.

     If you are available, he will open a ministry.  The unlovely need to be loved.  There are many, many shut-ins who would give anything for a visit and to hear a Psalm.

     Oh, Soldier, He will express Himself through your life even if you can only move one finger.

     Tell Him.


     Soldier, you have forgotten that if you will follow, He will lead you through the day.

     Most are only looking for Him when there is a fork in the road or when all the doors are closed.

     Routine is fine - I am a routine person. But, He who is so Creative longs to lead you in thought and deed (particularly words) all day long.

     He designed you for the adventure of following Him.

     Tell Him you are available.  Like a leaf on the tree - not dancing around to try to do something, but available to be moved by the Wind of The Spirit of God.

   Tell Him aloud.

No Accolades for you:

     A true Soldier of The Cross may notice that even though he does a better job than all others in the arena, another will be chosen for promotion or recognition.

     That Soldier may also observe that his finest achievements and most dazzling ventures and creativity go completely unnoticed in the workplace or in the family.  Even by other Christians.

     It's almost as though a protective veil surrounds some of the things he does, and many around him just don't get it.

     Human approval and accolades are not eternal.  They scratches an itch, but they only stokes the part of the soul we call "ego".

     Certainly there is nothing wrong with recognition, and being rewarded doesn't automatically turn one into a jerk.

     The fact is, He has chosen you to reflect and reveal Him.  His coming in and supping with you is far greater than your being consumed by the need to be admired and recognized.

     It takes profound maturity to resist the seduction offered by the limelight.  It's addictive.  Only those who are fixed on Him can put it where it belongs.    And, those who have been called and chosen for service  are being trained in the taking up of The Cross - the place of the death of the flesh.  Not the satisfaction of the flesh.  Not human recognition.

     Soldier, don't waste time on pawing the ground when someone else gets what you should have had.  He is protecting you by shielding the eyes of those giving the recognition.  He has something far greater for you - the Glory of His Presence.

     Thank Him for it and tell Him you are available to walk the Humble Way.  No matter what it takes.
     Tell Him aloud.



     Your whole life is about choice.

     The animal kingdom is different.  The animals are subject to instinct that results in migration, mating,  hunting, nesting and anything else that is in the design.  They have limited choice.  They must obey.

     Soldier of The Cross, you are different.

     You obey by choice.  You can go any number of ways, but you have chosen His Way.  That means that you are living according to His Word, no matter what.   You have chosen a vector that points toward heaven.

     Accept reality - you live and function on this earth, but your home is not here.  You are devoted to your family and you are meticulous in your job, but your life is in Him.  In His Body,  According to His Word. 

     Oh, Soldier, give it your all.  How many do?  Far fewer than you think and more than you think.

     Stand before Him and leave it all behind in prayer.  You will see more clearly .  You will have more energy for the Battle.  And you will have Power to choose according to His Word.

      Tell Him.  Aloud.

Attack on Prayer:

     Most Christians can get by when called on to pray in public. 

     It can almost be cultural.  I've known people who I was sure had no relationship with the Lord who could easily imitate others.

     But when one who prays much in private is called upon, that Soldier's practice of the presence of the Lord is undeniable.

     Soldier of The Cross, be one of the few who regularly practices intercessory prayer and do it aloud.
     Be one of the few who tells Him that He can do absolutely anything with your life.
     Be one of the few who prays for the finances of the church and the messages.
     Be one of the few who offers up to Him the family on a daily basis.
     Be one of the few who prays in the Daily Bread.

     Learn to let the Lord lead in prayer.  It's important to begin by recognizing who He is, that He can do anything, and that you have no agenda apart from His.

     Didn't He say "You have not because you ask not. . ."
                                                           James 4:2

     Soldier, there is much that will not be done without prayer.  There is such an attack against it.  And when it is time to pray, the body just doesn't want to do it.  Energy is low, and the tongue feels glued to the bottom of the mouth.  Other things pop into the mind and it can be a fight.

     It's worth it.  There is no other way to live.  Thee is no other way to love.  There is no other way to know God.

     No prayer, no faith.

     Tell Him, aloud.

Where To Start:

     Start with the Word of God.

     When you pray about the matter, the circumstances are absolutely not the issue.  The issue is, Who are you talking to?

     If you are a Soldier of The Cross, that means that you are committed to the death of the flesh.  It means you are bent on following Him, no matter where He goes.  It means that you will pray for Him to have His way, rather than praying for the result you think would be the best thing.

     This doesn't mean you can't pray for specifics, it only means that when you stand before Him, you acknowledge that He alone knows what needs to happen.

     It's not always easy.  Is your home under foreclosure?  Of course you will ask Him for a rescue.  The bottom line?  Will you trust Him?

     Are you ill?  Husband or child ill?  We would all pray desperately, and we should.  The bottom line is, He knows and He is in control.

     The church is falling apart?  Don't catch the falling ark - take it to Him.

     When I interview old missionaries who have faithfully served the Lord, they all report that they asked Him for what they thought was needed, but always knew He could b e trusted for the eternal solution, not the temporal solution.

     Soldier, stand before Him, make your request and then say the thing that reflects your understanding of Him according to His Word.

     Tell Him aloud.  It's very important to tell Him aloud.
     Do it today.


     What has He said about tomorrow?

     Soldier of The Cross, if He cares about the sparrow and feeds each one and knows when one falls, He certainly cares about each thing you lack and need.

     So interesting how things have been set up for us.  Why faith?  Why can't we just get some kind of assurance that tomorrow the bills will be paid and we will be fine?

     We have that assurance:
                    "So do not worry or be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will have worries and anxieties of its own. Sufficient for each day is its own trouble."
                     Matthew 6:34 (Amplified Bible)

     The issue is, is His Word enough for you?  Or will you fret through the night?  Will you need to call several people and pass on your worries?

     Oh, Soldier, He is your God, and He will take care of you.

     Tell Him you will trust Him and tell Him aloud.
     Sleep well.


     Lord, as I stand before you tonight, it seems I know less than I did twenty years ago.

     Yet, I have come to know you far better.  I know you will not withhold any good thing.  I know you see the beginning from the end.  I know you have a design that is beyond my comprehension.

     So, Lord and Love of My Soul, I eagerly declare that I want you to do whatever you will with the days and hours that are left for me.

     Anything, Lord, anything.

     After all that has happened, and after reviewing the rubble and destruction, I am more than ever convinced that you are in control and that you have designed this situation.

     Oh, Lord, the children.  It's so hard.  Can you take this pain?  Please, please Lord, reveal yourself to these children and lead them into Kingdom of Light. 

     I stand before you and declare that I trust you and call on you to cover the ground and redeem the time.

     Again, whatever you will, my Lord and my God.

     I love you, Lord.  There is none other.

His Way:

     Soldier of The Cross,  The Lord can restore things in a matter of seconds.

     The issue is, His Will in His Way in His time.   And, that's the way you must pray.

     You are confronted with a mystery, an unfair situation and hurt all over the place.  It looks like nothing can ever be right again.

     Of course that is contrary to His Word. 
     He is not limited by time. 
     He is not limited by the sin of other folks. 
     He is not limited by blindness.
     He is not limited by gossip damage.

     Look at Him.  He is Lord. 

     Soldier, you have no alternative.  You have crossed The Line, and you are His.  Things look bad and feel worse.  What is real?
     His Word is real.
     He is able and He is listening.

     Oh, Soldier.  Pour out  to Him in the cathedral of your heart.

     He will hold out His Hand to you and you will never be the same. You will see the restoration.

     It's coming.

     Look up and move on!