God's Will

     Soldier of The Cross, have you come to the place of accepting what He wants over your own ambitions?

     You must agree with  God.  Then, He is able to lead you.

     The tug is hard.  The temptation is great.  But, look at The Lover of Your Soul and agree with Him.  Does it seem strange?  Unlike similar situations?    That is how He works.

     Soldier, you see only a tiny sliver.  He not only sees all, but He sees the beginning from the end.

     Boldly approach the Throne of Grace and declare your availability.  He will make Himself implicitly clear.  He who holds the universe in place is more than able to communicate with you. He will not ignore you and He has never been sneaky with regard to response.

      Tell Him.  Aloud.  Today.




      Is forgiveness an issue in your life?

     If you were to describe the offense to me, would you be able to tell me there is a reason God would agree with you concerning your lack of forgiveness?

     According to God's Word, forgiveness is not equal to the offense, but exceeds the offence.  This is the basic tenant of Grace.

     Soldier of The Cross, make no  mistake. God's Grace is not something that equals your offense.  It is far greater.  This  defines Grace.  You have no idea of the power of Grace.  Grace is not tolerance and it is not denial.  It is a powerful, supernatural force that drives the enemy away and swings the door open for the Presence of The Lord.

     Soldier, are you a Living sacrifice, or do you have to lick your wounds?



     There are some things that simply must wait.

     In other situations,  there is a choice.  In most cases, even Believers are compelled to find the most immediate solution for any situation that requires a fix. 

     The reason most people feel pressured by "so much to do" is not because there is a crippling burden of work, but because the work is not yet done.  Until the work is done, there is a sense of craving the relief of the absence of the load. The flesh buckles and writhes under the lack or resolution or the stress of a compelling project that is not finished.

     Those who pray about these things learn that there can be the finest silver thread of restraint of the Holy Spirit, or divine release from this kind of pressure.

     This is not to say that Christians should be passive and refuse to dive in to the work.  He is the balance.

       In this life,  no one will hit a vein of perfect balance in this area.  This life is about being prepared for heaven, not getting everything right here.  In the meantime, nothing escapes His notice. 

     Everything according to divine order.



     Many have convinced themselves that they do not have enough time to get things done. 

     I am the busiest person I know, so when someone tries to tell me they are too busy to do this or that, I wonder if they understand what it means to be busy.

     Every life is ordered according to priority, even if it does not seem to be the case. And, the priorities are evident to onlookers.

     Believers must pray about being organized.  The Sunday meeting begins the previous Monday.  If the heart is prepared during the week, only an emergency will prevent early retiring Saturday  night.  Only an emergency will result in a late arrival.  Children watch and quickly learn what is expected of them.

     Soldier of The Cross, you have only one life and it should be lived with order and in obedience to the Word of God.  Order does not make for godly living, but it is not possible to serve the Lord when there is constant disorder. 

     Time is stunningly valuable.  Ask the Lord to direct you in the use of time. 



     Time is short.

     Soldier of The Cross, are you on the alert?  Are you aware of the needs of others?  Are you available?  Is there some line you will  not cross?

     Have you told Him you are available?  Have you told Him you will do anything? And in fact, will you?

     What if it costs you your reputation?  What if it costs you your family?  What if it costs you your job?  What if it costs you your position in the church?

     What is your bottom line?

     The real issue is, are you agreeing with God,. or are you determined to preserve at least one matter of the flesh?

     Soldier, this is a matter that must be taken up in prayer. 


        Some time ago, a Christian said to me, "I wish the pastor would stop preaching about how to live and just tell us more about Bible history and present intellectual substance."

     I was floored, because this was a person who had been under excellent preaching for years.  It was evident to me that my friend was not interested in the person of the Lord Jesus, but wanted to satisfy the intellect in order to justify a refusal of The Cross.

     The whole Word of God is about how to live.  Yes, it is a historical and certainly an intellectual document.  But that is not God's intent.  When the resident interpreter comes to live in the born again believer, the words jump off the page into the heart. 

     During my high school years I went to a wonderful Christian and Missionary Alliance  church.  Although I had not met the Lord, I was there every time the door was open.  I always tried to avoid Shirley. 

     Shirley was probably in her early 50's and she was quite mentally retarded.  The thing is, Shirley had really met Jesus Christ.  and she lived for Him.  Shirley could rattle off more verses, and with a radiant face.  In a decade that premiered mini-skirts and heavy eyeliner, Shirley looked like a dork.  She always wore full skirts, but without the fashionable layered and starched petticoats.  She wore saddle shoes with huge white bobby socks that were rolled instead of folded.  No teen would be caught dead talking with Shirley.

     The problem was, Shirley was filled with the Holy Spirit.  And, she was discerning.  She could not read, but she was the only person who knew that I was not saved.  She came at me all the time.  She cornered me.  She prayed for me.  She embarrassed me. 

     Years later I met the Lord Jesus.  The instant I met Him, I recognized what He had done for me through Shirley.

      Soldier of The Cross, He satisfies the intellect.  He satisfies the emotions.  He satisfies any prayer of His Own, but only when we agree with Him and live as He said we ought.

     Where are you?  What are you willing to pay?  Little, much?  Or everything?

     Those who are willing to pay everything will know freedom and the delight of His Presence.

     There is no shortcut.



     Are money matters haunting you?

     Who owns the cattle on a thousand hills?  Who is your heavenly Father?  Are there any promises?  Are they to be believed?

     What is money?  It is a substance that represents value.  He who holds the stars in place has said He would care for you and that you would lack for nothing.

     Will you allow Him to provide for you?  

     Talk to Him about it.  The Provider is waiting to hear from you.



Anything Held Back?

     By being a participator, you can have a little or a lot of Christianity.

     You cannot experience God in the same way.  His Presence and power is available only to those who hold nothing back.

     There is always a first time when the Soldier of The Cross tells the Lord he or she will give Him all and hold nothing back.  This time is often marks the beginning of the Lord revealing the things that are tightly clutched, deep in the recesses of the heart.

     Does it seem like only a small thing?  If it is not yielded, it stands in the way of anointed service, Love, freedom in Christ and power to witness.

     Everyone knows that God sees all.  But this little thing feels small and seems so hidden.

     Soldier, what He has is so much greater.  What you want cannot be had unless you trust Him fully.

     Can't give it up?  Tell Him.  Talk to Him about it.  Give it to Him in prayer, even if it feels like there is no hope.  He who designed you surely knows how to release you.  The thing you are hanging on to cannot possible compare with what He has and who He is.

     Tell Him today.  Tell Him aloud.


Looking Back

      Remember Lot's wife.

     Why did she turn into a pillar of salt?"  Because she longed for what was behind.

     Soldier of The Cross you must choose what it is that you long for, and then you must long for it.  This is something that happens in prayer and it is the result of your response to the Word of God and the Holy Spirit within.

     What is our life about?  This is a decision that you must make each day.  There is a time, however, when you must initially step over The Line.  This is the moment when by faith, there is a leaving behind of the things that are temporal, and an advancing  into the faith frontier of the unknown.

     Soldier of The Cross, there is simply nothing else of value.  Can you find another who is greater?  Is there another who can be trusted?  Of course not.  Is there any other Shelter equal?  

     No.  There is no other.

     Determine to be His and His alone.  Tell Him in prayer. 
     Determine to be forward looking.  Tell Him in prayer.
     Determine to know and follow Him at any cost.  Tell Him in prayer.

     Make sure it is aloud.
     Do it today.

How Great is God:

      It is inconceivable to think that God has to explain Himself to us.

     He has told us as much as we need to know.   We will not have the capacity to understand things until we are with Him in Glory.  In the meantime, He owes us no explanations.

     There is no rest other than to acknowledge that God is faithful to His own Word and knows that is best.  For that matter, if He answered prayer according to our concepts, we would miss out on much He has for us.

     There is a time when the Soldier of The Cross decides that anything the Lord wants is the best thing, no questions asked. This is only possible when there is a prayer life that is in agreement with God's Word.  Of course, that can't happen unless there is the systematic taking in of The Word.

     What is the result of faith in a life?
     The tackling of the impossible.

     The recognition of God.