New Life in Christ:


      Many are the songs sung about the New Life.

     There are no conditions for salvation, other than accepting the gift by Grace  There are, however, conditions to experiencing the Abundant Life that is available to those who have received Him.

     There are over six hundred promises in the Bible, but many of them require the obedience of faith.   There are some things that are given only upon request.  There are other promises that are fulfilled when the Believer is led by the Spirit.

   Often, the Lord answers prayer and intervenes, but the intervention is not according to the concept of the Christian, so the blessing is missed.

     Soldier of The Cross, Look for Him and wait for Him.  He has never disappointed anyone who has waited for Him.


Thank You Lord:

     Do you really trust Him?

    Have you told Him you know He knows better than you? 

    Is it true that He who did not withhold His own Son will not withhold any good thing from you?  If you believe His Word, you must thank him for all things, not just a small, select list.

    What are the hard things in your life?  Have you thanked Him for those things?  When you do this, there is tremendous freedom and healing.

    Soldier of The Cross, thank Him.  Do it aloud.  As you do this, He will lead you into sight and freedom.


Giants in the Land:

     If it is true that the Battle is His, why do so many look at the circumstances and refuse to move on?

    God was pleased with Joshua and Caleb.  They were accurate in their assessment of the land before them, but their report lined up with God’s faithfulness and His ways.

     Soldier of the Cross, while everyone does not need to be perceived as a groundbreaker, the walk of faith means pressing into the frontier of faith.  In this venture, the response to the Holy Spirit is in the deepest recesses and wells of the soul.  If there is no regular and systematic Word of God, there is no sensitivity to His leading.  If there is no prayer, the Bible is either a rule book or an intellectual trophy.

     He has set you free and put you in a large place.  If you decide you can't do things because the barriers look insurmountable, you are setting your own limits on God.

    There is no heaven on earth, but by faith.




    The victory is His, and it will be seen in fullness when we are present with Him.

     For the time being, we trust Him to see the big picture, because we are not equipped to do so. 

    Because we are limited, we must rely on the One who has no limitations.  Many saints have suffered and died.  Yet, when we read about them, our hearts are stirred, and we sense tremendous victory. 

     We are not asked to wind things up.  We are asked to redeem the time, to know the Lord and to serve, to pray and to wait for Him.

     Soldier of The Cross, if you must plan well ahead, be sure to live in the Now


     Everything you do can be ministry.

     The thing that transforms duty into a ministry of Life is the momentum of the Believer's relationship with the Lord.  It is entirely possible to scrub floors and clean toilets in solitude, yet all the while displaying  a joyful heart into the unseen realm.

     The drudgery of daily chores can turn into a thrilling privilege if the attitude lines up with God's Word. 

     Many vacillate between tedium and anxiety.

     Soldier of The Cross, if we are to do all as unto the Lord, we must take these things to Him in prayer.  When we agree with Him in prayer, the days and nights can be lived out with a song in the heart instead of dread or strain

     Those who take up The Cross and follow Him radiate confidence and love without being aware of themselves.  They are aware of Him and of the needs of others.

     Get into the Word afresh each day.
     Pray aloud.

     Then, look up and move on!



Sup With Him:

    Soldier of The Cross, He has said that if you would open the door to Him, You and He will sup together.

    What a tremendous thing.   Can there be anything more thrilling than the privilege of supping with the One who holds the stars in place?  The One who died for you?  The One who named you?  The One who is preparing a Place for you?

     We must keep things in perspective.  The things that are the most important to the Lord must be the most important to us.  This takes place in prayer and must be a deliberate and an affirmative formulation of words before the King of Kings.

     Soldier, stand before Him.
     State your case.


Anywhere, Everywhere:

     Our God is so creative that He is able to take any available heart and make Himself known.

     He is able to love through anyone who will let Him.  He will use youthful energy or he will use the immobile elderly.  It does not matter. 

     Give Him all that you are and all that you have.  He will reveal Himself to and through you.  The first commandment was not issued to the most mobile or the most intelligent. It was given to all.

     Soldier of The Cross, the only limitations you have are those you think prevent you from being useful.  The Lord does not see you that way.  Otherwise, He would not ask that you take up The Cross daily.

    Look up and move on!



     Soldier of The Cross, do you take issue with God?

     Is there some thing that bothers you to the extent that you chaff and wish to contend with Him?  How can that be?  Is His Word true or is it not?  Have you been touched, or have you not?    Does He listen or does He not?

      The issue is, what is important?  Your flesh flash, or eternity? 
      Your flesh flash or His Word? 
      Your flesh flash, or your relationship with Him? 
      Your flesh flash or the Body of Christ?
      Your flesh flash or Grace?

      Soldier, every day is an opportunity to choose.   The Redeemed have choice, whereas no other can choose.

      Where do you stand?  You must tell Him and you must tell Him aloud.

Delight Thyself In The Lord:


     It seems to me that so few understand the importance of being wholly His.

     Might it be that in spite of an explosion of Christian mega-churches and the rising popularity of Christian rock music, many have not fallen in love with Jesus?

     What do you love about Him?  I often tell Him the things about Him that are beautiful and valuable to me.  Everything about Him is exquisite and winsome.  He has made Himself available to the extent that anyone can ask, and He will respond. 

     His response is personal and it is penetrating.

     What are the sweetest things about Him?

     History records His birth, His death and His resurrection was in that after He rose, He was witnessed by many.  If you have met Him, you too know that He rose from the dead.
     He created all that we see.
     His Word penetrates with a supernatural Love that has resulted in endless stories of rescue and salvation.
     He has never disappointed anyone who has put his trust in Him.
     He gave up Glory to be born as a baby. 
     He chose the will of the Father.
     He endured incredible humiliation and suffering, yet He continued on because of The Prize - you and me.
     He is the most remarkable listener.
     He never changes.
     He knows every detail about me, yet He loves me beyond my concept.

     And more.  When you begin to tell Him what you love about Him, the Holy Spirit will lead you and will be carried to a new place of prayer.

     Soldier of The Cross, tell Him today.

     Tell Him aloud.


God's Will:

     Those who have walked with the Lord for a lifetime can look back and see how God brought things together, worked things out and provided in ways that could not have been predicted.

     It is common for young people to be "looking for the will of God" for their lives.  Often, this means the seeker is waiting for guidance to a path that affords no discomfort, no failure and no risks.

     The Bible teaches that guidance is provided:
                    Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.
                                                                           Psalm 119:105

     It is the heart of God that His Own would live and walk in the Light of His Word.  
     It is the heart of God that His Own would be led by the Indwelling Holy Spirit.
     It is the heart of God that His Own would seek "a multitude of counselors."

     It is not the heart of God to protect Believers from any mistakes or failure.  He has said He would lead with His eyes, and He will.  He has also said that the work and the will of the Father is that His Own would have a relationship with Him:
     Soldier of The Cross, you were created to live with Him forever.  According to His Word, the Lord cares about each moment and each detail of your life.  But He is preparing you for eternity and He is not designing a plan that begins and ends with this life. 

     When you give Him your life, He expands the horizon.  He opens creativity.  He loves through you.  He reveals Himself.

     Tell Him you agree with Him that you are a Pilgrim and a Sojourner.  Let the Holy Spirit lead you in prayer and see where He takes you.