Dig into The Word

Dig into The Word.

Know the theme of each book.

Get a good map of Bible geography and learn who was where. Draw a timeline. Know who all the "ites" are.

There are a few of the books in the Bible that are not chronological. Know which they are.

Take it with you everywhere.


Read it outloud.

Ask him to reveal Himself through His Word.

He has never refused anyone.

There is Nothing but Blessing

What is the Blessing of God?

Most consider themselves to be blessed when the bills can be paid a day early, when there is no illness and when things come easily.

Soldier of The Cross, Resurrection Power is not available to the spineless. He who has called us unto Himself has also called us to follow Him into the frontier of Faith.

He blesses with His Presence. He blesses with a revelation of Himself. He blesses with hardship. He blesses with relief. He blesses with abundance. He blesses with dearth.

For the obedient Servant, there is nothing but Blessing in store.

God is Not Cheap with His Presence

God is not cheap with His Presence.

He can't be worked up, manipulated, tricked or blackmailed into anything.

There can be no Presence of God unless there is the taking up of the Cross Daily. There can be no Presence of God unless there is earnest, prevailing prayer. There can be no Presence of God unless there is transparency before Him and the Brethren.

There can be no Presence of God unless there is room for Him.

Deep Treasure to be Found in the Hard Things

What is the thing most troublesome to you?

How are you talking to the Lord about it?

Even if the enemy is stirring something up, He who called you into a relationship with His Son, is aware of each detail. He has promised to withhold no good thing from you.

This means that there is deep Treasure to be found in the hard things, and you must talk to the Lord about it - according to His Word.

Tel Him what He has said. Tell Him you trust Him. Ask Him to have His way. Also, be frank with Him and let Him know your desires.

He is your Shepherd. He will make you to lie down in Green pastures. He will lead you beside the still waters. He will restore your soul. He will lead you in the Paths of Righteousness for His Name's sake.

You do not need to fear evil, and you will be comforted.

He will absolutely prepare a table before you in the presence of your enemies. He will anoint your head with oil.

Your cup will run over.

Goodness and Mercy will be with you all the days of your life, because you have trusted the One who loves you beyond your ability to understand.

There is nothing better.

What is the Direction of your Life?

What is the direction of your life? Is it to build up? If so, you are walking in the Light. If not, you will be exposed for all to see. Soldier of The Cross, each day, each hour and each minute - you must conscientiously consider the meaning of your life. Are you here for your own agenda, or, are you here to Serve The King of Kings? This life is fleeting and soon, you will be gone. Can anyone deny this? Of course not. Then, what will you do? You will place your Treasure in the Hands of the One who determines eternity. What do you want? What is the bottom line? Invest in Love. According to His Word.

Life is Short

The older you get, the greater the realization that life is short and is soon over.

Soldier of The Cross, for you this is a tremendous revelation and blessing. You must take hold of the truth.

There is little time. Many are without Christ. Great is the suffering.

You may have a few years to serve. Who knows? You may have only hours, or only minutes. Nevertheless, you must press on.


Jesus first Others next You last, spells joy.

Enter into The Rest

To some, it seems unfair that we must struggle so, in order to enter into The Rest of Hebrews 4.

After all, we are heirs and adopted sons. Through prayer, we have access to all. We know that nothing is impossible.

We know this world is not our permanent home, yet its gravity is often overwhelming.

Soldier of The Cross, until He comes to call us Home, we have the privilege of living in the New Life, and stepping away from the old nature.

There is a price. The flesh will kick and scream. The flesh wants to be right. To get back. To exalt self. To live forever.

The Bible tells us that the flesh will cease to exist. The Bible also tells us that the old nature no longer has hold over the one who has experienced the New Birth.

Can you say you have experienced the New Birth? Do you know He touched you? Did you affirmatively give your life to Him? Do you love the Brethren? Do you need to share your testimony? Does God's Word make your heart leap? Are you called to the prayer closet?

If so, you must stand apart from the old nature. The Word compels you to make choices based on God's Word, rather than feeling. The outstanding characteristics of the old nature are negative emotion, accusation of the Brethren and the need for earthly security.

Soldier, stand apart.

Cross the Line.

Raise your hands to Him and tell Him you will serve and you will pay the cost.

He has already paid The Price.

Stepping Over the Line

The issue is, are you willing to leave all behind to follow Him?

What does this mean? All we know is, the Word of God makes it clear that He expects the Soldier of The Cross to be unencumbered.

This does not mean irresponsibility, nor does it mean that relationships, work, or home are not taken seriously. It simply means that you cannot serve two masters.

One of the most interesting things about the Indwelling Holy Spirit is His ability to energize for even the smallest tasks.

He who has truly stepped over the line is enabled to "do all unto the Lord."

He energizes for housework. He gives Grace to deal with difficult child issues. He gives Light, patience and supernatural Love to minister in difficult marriages. He imparts a vision that sustains physical suffering for His sake. He makes it a delight to return good for evil.

Soldier, your job has been appointed by the One who holds the stars in place.

You told Him He could have your life. Trusting Him, you have moved a step at a time. Is there any Bible character who followed the Lord without criticism? Suffering? Earthly loss?

Do your best according to God's Word. Make sure you are covering all pressing issues in prayer. After that, present yourself daily before Him to allow His Light to reveal any changes that must be made in your heart.

Memorize His Word.

Wield the Sword.

March into the fray!

The Assurance of Truth

The things not seen are more real than the things that are seen.

That is the beginning of the definition of faith.

Soldier of The Cross, has something happened to you? Did you, in fact, experience the New Birth? Have you been touched by The Lord?

You have the assurance of Truth, in that, you can not get away from the fact that something has happened to you.

Soldier, there is nothing else. There is nowhere else. There is no one else.

The Treasure of Choice

Your life is significant in the Kingdom of Heaven.

There is a tendency to exalt figures whose deeds are known - those who have written books, or those whom about books have been written.

The real value in the stories of those in Christian service is not in the great projects or vast crowds. It is in the daily lives of the Soldiers of The Cross.

Soldier, your days and hours are rich with the treasure of choice.

First, you chose Jesus. Then, you chose to serve Him. Now, that service demonstrates your choice by your godly plodding. It is not always possible to know which bill to pay when there is not enough money. It is not always possible to say the right thing when tragedy strikes.

No matter what you do, there are no earthly guarantees.

Give the Lord the day in the morning. Take in the Word afresh. Trust Him to guide as He said He would. He is eager to shed light on the path, and He has promised to do it.

One step at a time. When you put your foot down, there will be light for the next move.

The Glory is not in being perfect, appearing spiritual, or building the greatest monument.

The Glory is in following hard after the Lord.