The Call to Service

Soldier of The Cross, if you have decided to follow the Lord, He will have indicated the expression of your calling to Him.

Often, the call to service is not in the realm of your natural gifts. This means you must be available and looking for Him, rather than waiting to find your satisfaction in the things that are familiar to you.

Move ahead. Let nothing stop you. If He has called you, He will enable you.

In prayer, the focus must not be the knowing what lies ahead. You must be telling the Lord that you will follow Him one step at a time.

If you have served him for years, He will meet you in the freshness of His Life. If you have just met Him, He will meet you in the same way.

This is not about you. This is about Him.

Edifying Those who Follow Him

What is the meaning of your life?

Is it to serve? Is it to obey? Is it to love?

The deepest and richest responses you have to the Lord will only be sensed by those who have that same response.

In a word, it takes one to know one.

Those who follow hard after the Lord revel in the fellowship of others who have made the same choice.

Soldier of The Cross, be sure you are one who can edify those who have chosen Him.

You must have clean hands. You must have hands raised up and available. You must be alert. You must take up The Cross and Follow Him.

Most Have Never Met Christ

To whom have you ministered this week?

There is no lack of need. There are those who are hungry, those who are imprisoned, those who are sick and those who are aging.

Look around. Most have never met Christ.

There is no excuse to seek an identity or to hunt for purpose. The One who called you also lives in you. He will use your life to reveal Himself as often as you allow Him to.

Be available.

Treasure to be Invested in Him

Soldier of The Cross, Take God at His Word.

He wants your Treasure to be invested in Him, for your good. He has made it clear. There are no exceptions.

Western Christianity is promoting an agenda that is not scriptural. "Christian" media is bombarding believers with the idea that eternal treasure should be invested in family.

This is not scriptural. Of course, a born again child of God must be available to be an example and a minister of Life to anyone and everyone.

The scriptures make it clear that those with whom we live, ought to have the first and richest benefit of our relationship with the Lord.

The Cross must be applied in the home before it can be effective anywhere else. Children must see Jesus. Siblings must see Jesus. Spouses must see Jesus.

There must be a denial of Self, and the taking up of the Cross to follow the One who holds the stars in place.

What is the issue?


Make your choice.

Can He do Anything?

Gaze upon him, who gave His Life as a Ransom for many.

Then, tell Him He can do anything He wants to with your life.

Can He be trusted?

The One who holds the stars in place will withhold no good thing!


You must study the Word of God.

Study only reveals Jesus when the Believer prays about the passage.

It is not possible to intellectually understand God. It is not possible to intellectually understand the Bible. It is not possible to intellectually determine God's will. It is not possible to intellectually fix circumstances.

You are a Soldier of The Cross. You must live by Faith. You must step out on the thing that cannot bear your weight.

Our God is a God of miracles. He does not work any other way.

Consider The One

Take God at His Word.

What else is there? Nothing. Is there anyone else whose word is more reliable? No.

Is there anywhere else to go to find holy shelter or perfect consistency? No.

Soldier of The Cross, you can never please the enemy. You can certainly please the Lord.

Consider the One who sees you as perfect because of The Blood. Consider the One who loved you enough to die for you. Consider the One who intercedes for you. Consider the One who created you and named you.

Soldier, stand on The Rock. Raise The Sword. Move in the Name of Jesus.

Take the land.

Unconditional Love

The test of the Presence of the Holy Spirit in the life of a Believer is, the depth of love shown to those who will receive, and those who will not receive.

Soldier of The Cross, there can be no unconditional love until there is a decision to follow Jesus.

As He has said, there can be no following of Him until there is a daily taking up of The Cross. What does this mean?

Romans 12 - The decisive abandon of the things that do not matter eternally, and the willingness to allow the Lord to minister through the one who is a Living Sacrifice.

Life in Christ is thrilling. As the writer to the Hebrews says, drop the things that are distracting and set your sights on the things that are above.

Set your face like flint. Pray aloud. Know The Word.

Serve the King. Follow Jesus!

Peacemaker vs People-Pleaser

Jesus was never a people-pleaser.

He made it clear that He was here to do the will of the Father.

Healing the sick everywhere He went; He nonetheless had an agenda that was not His own, but that of the Father.

Soldier of The Cross, a people-please can not be a peacemaker. A people-pleaser has no perspective and operates out of his or her own need to be liked.

God has never condoned peace-at-any-price.

We serve a living Lord who has promised to lead and guide. He has also promised to enter the welcoming heart in the fullness of supernatural fellowship.

Your job is to walk with the Lord and to reveal His character to others.

Look up. Move on!

Love vs Flesh

Love gives the thing needed, not necessarily the thing wanted.

God has certainly done that for us. The flesh craves control but He has asked for yieldedness.

The flesh loves to find fault with others, but we are asked to be ministers of Grace.

The flesh longs for comfort and security, yet we are asked to attend to the needs of others first.

He gave His life when all we wanted was to be left alone.

The Indwelling Holy Spirit lives in you. Allow Him to do what is needed in the lives of others.