Moving On:

     One of the identifying characteristics of the Soldier of The Cross is his or her pursuit of God.


     Yes, it is supernatural and, no it can't be drummed up.  Nonetheless,  it takes obedience and a willingness to move out of the comfort zone into the realm of His Presence.


      This is not about a gooey feeling.   Gooey is addictive and addicts the Believer to want feel the same thing. 


    The pursuit of God means doing the thing that results in the no-matter-what position before the Lord.  What does that for you?  For me, it is being with those whose determined purpose it is to know Him.  I am deeply stirred and challenged by the lives of many who have gone before.  Many years ago I determined to read as many Christian biographies as I could.


     Soldier, you must seek out the thing that makes you eager to be a Living Sacrifice.    What is it that reveals Jesus to you?  


      There must be a devotional life and there must be fellowship.  Locate those who want Him no-matter -what.   Be with them.  Pray with them.  Read about them.


     Tell him you want Him more than anything and more than ever.
     Tell Him aloud.


His Heart:

     True kindness is the result of the Holy Spirit's control.


     Nice isn't always kind.  The serpent was probably nice to Eve, yet it was certainly devoid of any kindness, knowing it wanted sin and death to result from her decision.


     Kindness is like Love;  it is not a respecter of persons but is also able to have a backbone when making unpopular decisions.


     Real kindness is braided with wisdom.


     How exquisitely kind is the Lord Jesus.  What remarkable graciousness
He displayed while dying on The Cross. 


     Kindness is a filigree of graciousness and security that protects the heart and tongue of the Soldier of The Cross.


     Oh, how we need to be always filled with His Life.


     Tell him aloud.


     Sometimes it does take one to know one.


     Those who take up the Cross and follow hard after Him are recognized by other Soldiers of The Cross.


     Water seeks its own level.


     Oh, Soldier, spend time with those who are gazing upon Him, talking about Him,  and are willing to pay the price to be with Him.


     It is not a super-human effort.  It means a welcome for the Holy Spirit to kneed, convict and reveal.  It is for the Soldier who hears the knock and opens the door in order to sup with the One who holds the stars in place.


     Be available.  Be ready.  Be in prayer that is fueled by God's Word.  He brings His Own together and He is Present.  On this globe, there is no greater pleasure than enjoying Him with others who long for him.


     After thirty seven years of serving Him, I am still amazed that Grace went after me and won me.  It is not hard for Him to bring his Soldiers together, in order for Him to be especially Present with  and among them.


     Soldier of The Cross, tell Him.


     Lord, as I stand before you tonight, I agree with Your Word; I am not my own provider.


     I know whether or not I have work, I must pray in my daily bread.  Please open my eyes to see that while I must be diligent and responsible, all things come from you.


     You told me you know about each sparrow that falls and that you clothe the lilies of the field.  


     I know you are vastly wealthy  and I tend to pray about finances as though you were limited. I sound like a beggar instead of a Son.  Oh Lord, teach me to be Spirit-led in praying about money.


     My longing is to serve you without distraction and to step away from desperation when things look bleak.  Conversely Lord, I don't want to splash in inappropriate relief when there is abundance.  I know it is all yours and I am only the steward.


     Change me Lord.  Teach me. 

     My Lord and my  God.



Your Mission Field:

     Feeling useless?


     The home is the most immediate mission field and next is the Church.


      At home, it is easy to fall into familiar operations, casual and careless statements, and thoughts that assassinate others.


      Then there is the Church. The Church is filled with weak sinners, saved by Grace.  We are to lay our lives down for each other, and it must be beyond human concept.  It must be done in and by prayer, self-sacrifice,  and requires the death of the flesh - The Cross.


     Both of these precious institutions are always under attack by the enemy.  Sometimes worse than others.  Both of these offer opportunity to die to self.  To put others first.  To reveal the supernatural Love that flows through His Own.


     Soldier of The Cross, your sacrificial service is desperately needed - to bind the enemy and to reveal Jesus.


     If you are called to go, go.  In the meantime, He will  illuminate and empower you as you are more and more available.


     Tell Him.  aloud.

Times of Trouble:

     We who are His, fall prey to the same emotional turmoil as do those who don't know Him.


     It isn't possible to go through life without being upset.  Nor is it possible to reach some kind of spiritual level that insulates from vigorous distress.


     A Provision has been made so that we have choice.  Walking on the water is the result of the Soldier who has prayed about how to live.  How to react.  How to see reality.  How to wait.  When to speak and when to be quiet.


     Then at the time of the storm, the Holy Spirit reminds that Pilgrim that the One who calms the winds and the sea is extending His hand.


     Soldier of The Cross, you have chosen a path that is not common.  You may not live according to your emotions or according to what you see happening.  You must live by the Word of God.


     He who prays much about how to walk before God and man, is one who can be supernaturally serene in the face of the unthinkable.


     Many people say "I never could have gotten through it without the Lord. . ."  Well, most do get through it with or without the Lord, but most do not understand that suffering is sweetened by submission and obedience.


     Oh, Soldier!   Tell Him today.

No Matter What:

     Are you hungry for real fellowship?


     Then, seek it out.  Pray about it and look for those who want the same thing.


     You can fellowship with your chidlren, with a pen pal, with someone in prison or someone who is retarded, but loves the Lord.


     The issue is, you must seek other seekers.


     Soldier of The Cross, the enemy is bound and driven away by red hot fellowship.   It isn't cheap and comes at a cost. 


     Ask the Lord to teach you to recognize Him.


     Ask Him aloud.  Today

The Chimes of Time:

      Remember the old Hymn,  "The Chimes of Time?"

     "The chimes of time ring out the news another day is through.  Someone slipped and fell,  was that someone you?
      You may have long for added strength, your courage to renew.  Do not be disheartened for I bring hope for you!
      It is no secret what God can do.   What He's done for others, He'll do for you.   With arms wide open,  He'll pardon you;  It is no secret what God can do"


      Oh, Soldier, is this true for you?  Is it possible that He is greater than all the things that have assaulted you?


      He is the God of second and third and  however many are needed, chances.


     This is about your child.  He sees it.  He understands it.  He was not asleep.


      Soldier, stand before Him and give Him the situation and rejoice in Him.  Though painful. Not about the awful problem, but because He is who He is.


     And tell Him.  Aloud.

What is Real:

     What is the Bottom Line?


     We are here to make decisions.  Decisions that determine eternity.


     Soldier of The Cross, as you get older, it gets harder to  be available for the adventure of faith.  Are you going to settle in with the habits that are comfortable, or, are you available for whatever He wants?


     Are you a living sacrifice, or are you not?


     So, may He have your children?  Do you trust Him?
     May He  guide you in your marriage, or must you ask for change according to sight and your limited experience and learning?
     Can you tell him He is in control of the finances?
     How about the serious misunderstanding?

     What about your past?  Is there any reason you can't give it to Him?


     Soldier of The Cross,  when you stand before Him and declare these matters aloud, there are no exceptions.  It is about His Word.  His Will.  His Way.


     Nothing else. No one else. 


     Give it up to Him and do it aloud.








     God's Word is more real than the way that you feel:


     You are a Soldier of The Cross.  What does that mean?    It means you have made the commitment to agree with God, no matter what that means.


     He has made Himself clear in His Word, and He asks that you walk by faith in what He has said, rather than depending on anything you see or hear or feel.


     This is a Place where few live.  It is a Place of obedience and is described as Sabbath Rest in  in Hebrews chapter 4.


     In my experience, when this is brought up, most believers immediately get defensive and start to make a case for the value of feelings.


     First, make a case for God's Word.  Get the verses and come before Him. State aloud that you will agree with Him, no matter what the cost.  No matter what the feeling.  No matter what others think.


     After that, I seriously doubt if you will tell him about the importance of your feelings.


     Soldier, you have one life to invest in eternity.   Will you spend  the time trying to put out the fires of your emotions, or will you trust Him and make choices that agree with Him?


     No one is saying it feels good all the time.  Nonetheless, there is a supernatural assurance available for the one who positions himself and throws himself at the feet of the One who gave Himself as a ransom for many.


     Tell Him today.  Aloud.