About Him:

     There is a significant difference between Christian intensity and the pursuit of God.


       Christian intensity is easy to find.  There are many who get stoked up by a gifted speaker or by Christian fireworks.


        For the Soldier of The Cross, the issue is taking up The Cross and following hard after Him.  That means the death of the flesh. It means being willing to live a life going through uncharted waters while following The One who is The Way.


       When a Believer goes after God, there is a fire in the heart that burns blue hot, even when that Soldier feels numb.  A decision has been made; the decision to follow Him.


        The one who pursues the Lord looks at Him during the hardest times.
         The one who pursues the Lord looks at Him when nothing makes sense.
        The one who pursues the Lord looks at Him when there is abundance.
        The one who pursues the Lord looks at Him when the doors all seem closed.


         We all need to listed to the Spoken Word by gifted men and women.  We all need times of corporate worship and communion.   Nothing cheapens those needs.


         The real issue is never feeling.  Or how high the Christian meter goes. 
         The issue is following Him, no matter what,  No matter where.  No matter when.


       Tell Him today.  Aloud.





      There is  nothing new.


      At the same time, all things are new.


      Soldier,  you are in unchartered territory and Faith is the only  option.  You are here because of Prayer.  Didn't you tell Him you would be available?  Did you mean it?


      So, what about walking by Faith as opposed to waling by Sight?  The bottom line is, whether or not you believe He is your God.


       Oh, Soldier!


      Whose are you?


      Look up and move on!


     Soldier of The Cross, He will not explain it to you.


     That is what Faith is about.


     His Way is above our understanding.  That means He is not responsible to make you understand His reasons or His methods.


     After all, if you have to know why, doesn't that mean you need to approve God's thinking  and reasons?


     Soldier, what does it mean to be a Living Sacrifice?  Does the Sacrifice lay on the alter and read off a list of objections?


     Come before Him and agree with Him.  Aloud.  If there are issues, He can handle it. 

     Tell Him.
     Aloud.  Today.

Enjoying Him:

     There is only  one way to know Him - Faith.


     The Frontier of Faith is made available to the Soldier of The Cross because of prayer.  Prayer gives vision to the things sought by faith.


     Soldier of The Cross, remember, you are not your own.  It is easy to forget when there are decisions to be made, responsibilities to be delegated and bills to be paid.  Diapers to be changed.


    You were Bought With a Price, and there is no walking away from that.  Love woos you to Itself, and your prayer life allows you to walk in the Light.


     There is no experience of the Lord apart from faith.  All the Christian activities and services will not satisfy the nucleus of the   spirit that was made to be indwelled by the Spirit of God.


     Find those who want Him.
     Find those who will do anything to be with Him.
     Find those who recognize Him.
     Find those who have left much behind to follow Him.


     Then, you will have fellowship with Him.  He will come in and sup with you.


     Tell Him.  today.




     The Believer's Joy is always experienced during something that should be squelching it.


     Real joy is supernatural.  It doesn't mean feeling delighted or even pleased.  It is a response to reality.


     Soldier of The Cross, you are a Pilgrim and a Sojourner and you must not forget it.  You eyes must be on Him, your goal must be to be changed, and your prayer life must deal with circumstances according to God's Word.


     Although we know He cares about each detail, we must learn to walk through the flood and the fire while leaning on The Everlasting Arms.  Faith releases the Holy Spirit to reveal Jesus.  When Jesus is revealed, the Glory is greater than the situation.


     Soldier, this is a matter of pre-determining  to whom you will look when the storm hits.   


     You have the Indwelling Holy Spirit.
     For goodness sake, you have prayer and,  pray aloud in the language of your heart.
     You have the Word of God  - true or not?


    Tell Him.  Today



     Recommended reading:  Amy Carmichael "Rose from Briar".

The Bottom Line:

     Soon you will be standing before Him.


    Your life will be displayed in complete transparency, and you will be accountable.  You'll also be a recipient of staggering Grace.


     The bottom line is submission.


     You were created to walk by faith and by no other path.    Oh, Soldier.  Please learn to pray accordingly.


     He is so attentive.  He listens and He responds. Do you have any idea how important you are to Him?


     You have the tremendous protection of the Faith Walk. 


     Stand before Him.  Tell Him you want this,. Let Him know you want to be changed.  Until you are no longer breathing.


     Is there anything else? Let Him release you to Love the Brethren.  Oh, Soldier of The Cross, submit to the surgical knife of The Lover of Your Soul.


     Tell Him aloud.

No Limits:

     Oh, Soldier, do you understand there is no limit to what faith can do?


     Apart from supernatural faith, there is nothing.  It is not about human belief or acceptance. It is His ability to do.  The thing is, we must be available.


     He will not present a plan for our approval. 
     He will not give a preview of what faith will bring.
     He will not validate our insecurities.


     He only asks that we trust Him.  What is there to lose?  You are where you are because you have no control.   He does.  You know it -  it is just that you are not experiencing the release.


     The bottom line is always, who is He? And, does He lie?


     You are a Soldier of The Cross, which means you have made the decision to take up The Cross and follow Him.  That means the death of the flesh.


     It means testing. 
     It means the unknown.

     It means stretching and discomfort for the flesh.


       It means the he delight of His Presence.  The assurance of His Provision,  And His Glory that eradicates the negative.


     Soldier, there is nothing else.


     Look up and move on!




Divine Energy:

     How can you keep going when you simply can't move forward?


     How can Joni Eareckson Tada keep going?  It can't be easy.  It can't be accessible possibility.  It has to be responding to the divine vision.

     It has to be the result of a pursuit of God.


     Vigorous service comes easily to no one.  Not a chance.


     Those who agree with God determine to agree, whether they feel like it or not.  Many have been  ill and have served vigorously.  Amy Carmichael, for example.  Hudson Taylor, for example.  Lilias Trotter for example.  Look them up and read about them.


     These things take place in the prayer time.  Over and over.


     Tell Him.  Today

The Walk:

     It seems to me that most Christians pray in such a way as to avoid  walking by faith.


     Is seems so uncomfortable not to know the next couple of turns in the road.   Most want God to lead them onto a "safe"  path, one that assures the sojourner of success without conflict, criticism, misunderstanding or illness.


     While it is true that we have a God who has promised to protect us and deliver us, He has also told us that He can not be known apart from faith.


     Faith is not just belief.  Faith means putting your money where your mouth is.


     Faith means if He says go, we go, even if  failure seems to be guaranteed.  Who could  have predicted the Red Sea would part? Certainly not Moses.


     Abraham was willing to sacrifice the son of Promise, because God said.   Who can do that?


     Knowing God always means stepping into an unknown frontier.  That's what faith is.  Always moving.  Always relying on His Word instead of experience, knowledge, advice or a foreboding feeling.


     You are a Soldier of The Cross.  You have taken up the Cross and you are following hard after Him. That is a daily and affirmative decision.  It is not possible for you to live in a predictable and unruffled world.


     His Protection is under The Cross you take up.
     His Light is Under that Cross.
     His Love is under the Cross.
     His Life is under The Cross.
     Red -hot fellowship is under The Cross.
     Revelation is under The Cross.
     Freedom and security are under The Cross.


     Oh, Soldier, meet the challenge and obey the Command.


     Feels scary?


     Tell Him.  Today.




     Red-hot fellowship is found by those who long to learn to live by faith, and find others who want the same thing.


     The life of Faith is a Place.  A Land of the Sabbath Rest. 


     Why is this so rare?  Because faith is scary to the flesh.  It means letting go of by-sight security.  It means  relaxing the grip on the things of this life.  It means agreeing with God, even when it involves losing the things that are so precious.


     It means living in another Land while the body is still in this land.


     The Frontier of Faith.  Taken only by prayer.


     Tell Him today.