In The End:

     We can only see what is before us.

     All else we see by faith.

     Soldier of The Cross, what makes Him more real than anything seen by the eyes?  Prayer.  Those who deal with things in prayer, leave things with Him in prayer and cover others in prayer are those to whom eternity is more real than time.

     When you are tipped over, what spills out?  Is it eternity, or is it a soulish of dissatisfaction with what is before you?

     Determine to live in eternity before Time passes you by.

His Glory

     Do you understand that this is about Him and not about you?

     Are you seeking something for your self?  Are you sure you can answer that honestly?  Will you be a Soldier of The Cross and tell Him that you submit to and long for the death of the flesh?

     We are all in the same place - choice every second.  Will you choose the thing that compels you, or will you choose according to the Word of God?

     That is the issue.

     You must tell Him and you must tell Him aloud.
     Do it now. 

Whose Life:

     Your next hours belong to the Lord.

     It is tempting to plan and even pray as though the time belonged to you.  It is more than your managing the use and spending of the days.  It is a matter of seeing that the One who spoke the universe into being, is the one who will lead you through.

     There must be a vision of waiting for Him, looking for Him and then recognizing and following Him.  It doesn't mean that we are robots, moving only when the signal strikes us.  It means Light.  Wisdom.  It means making mistakes and then seeing the alternatively better choice.  It means abandon unto Him and no other.

     It means admitting you do not have the capacity to run your own life.

     Soldier of The Cross, He is never boring.  He is never passive.  He is never slow. 

     He who is Love has designed you to take up The Cross, the place of the death of the flesh, and follow Him.

     Tell Him you will do anything to learn to obey.
     Tell Him alone and aloud.


Needing Him:

      Lord, as I stand before you tonight, I declare my desperate need for you.

      Since meeting you, I've been aware of your attention and faithfulness, but tonight I cry out to you for encouragement, consolation and vision.

     Lord, it seems to me that if this matter is not resolved, I cannot live.    Of course because of your Word, I know that is not the case.  Nevertheless, I reach out to take the Hand that is always extended to me.

     My Lord, I need you so.  I need to see you.  I need to hear you.  I need to experience your Touch.  I beg you to open the shackles.

     No matter what Lord, please do the deepest work in me in order to bring about your own likeness.

     My Lord and my God.

Your Life:

     Soldier of The Cross, consider those around you.

     What do they see?  If asked, could they say your life is about serving the Lord?  Or would they say your life is about getting it together? 

     Can they see abandon unto Him?

      We are only passing through.  It does not cheapen the human experience which is important, and has eternal consequences.  Nonetheless, this is about eternity.

      Turn your eyes away from your own issues and gaze upon the One who gave Himself for you. 

Your Pace:

     Soldier of The Cross, you may not miss a beat because of someone else's sin.

     Every day I deal with folks who are upset because someone is making unfair demands, saying something untrue or displaying terrible behavior.

    As far as you are concerned, your thought life and behavior must be based on God's Word, what He has done for you, where you are headed, and the fact that you have determined to be a Living Sacrifice. 

     This is not to imply that you are a wimp.  You have a supernatural backbone empowered by the Indwelling Holy Spirit.

     Those who are His must have their eyes on Him and must be going forward in a straight line - not glaring or staring at the offender.

     You can't fix someone else.  You can't lend your emotions to the enemy.

     Learn to be one who can be trusted in the hardest circumstances, including misunderstanding, persecution and bizarre events.

     Look up and move on!

Yesterday, Today and Forever:

     How is today different than yesterday?

     The routine seems the same.  The feelings seem the same.  The circumstances seem the same.  You are looking for the cloud the size of a man's hand, but nothing so far.

     You are a Soldier of The Cross, and as such, you have crossed The Line.  You have decided to take up The Cross - the place of the death of the flesh - and follow hard after Him.  It means leaving control, offense, and many personal rights behind as you press on.

     Albeit He never changes, He is creative beyond any concept.  He is Loving beyond any concept.  He is active beyond any concept. 

     He gets it.

     And He who made you will reveal Himself to you today if you will look for Him.  There is no greater thrill, and thrill never gets old.

     Tell Him you will look for Him and wait for Him.
     Tell Him aloud. 
     is His heart that you walk in his delightful and active reality.



     Soldier, consider the hours that are passing.

     Are you sure you want to make the issue the matter that must be resolved in this life?  Why would you do that? Why would you make that choice?

     Are you indeed a Soldier of The Cross, or must you know that your needs are met now?

     Is He able or is He not?

     You must tell Him. 
     Aloud and aloud.

My Shepherd:

     Soldier of The Cross, you don't have to do it all yourself.

     The Amplified Bible says:

        "The Lord is my Shepherd [to feed, guide, and shield me], I shall not lack."
                                  Psalm 23:1

     Is it true?  You won't taste His provision until you stand before Him and acknowledge that He is the Provider and you trust Him.  Then, if you have to knock on hundreds of doors without one opening, you will still have the supernatural assurance that regardless of the "now",  you will not lack.

     He has never let down any Soldier who has trusted Him and waited for Him.

His Mind:

     If asked right now, what would you declare is the purpose of your life?

     You know the right answer, but is it really true?  Is His will your goal?  Is it your goal to know Him?  Are you begging to be changed?  Is it beautiful to you?

     Soldier of The Cross, you must agree with God that there is nothing else.  That means that the thing that is so painful is there because of His direct interest in your best.   Even though your flesh is screaming through your mind and emotions, you do not have the capacity to know better than He. 

      And at that, it is possible that He is blessing you by delaying relief.  So, you must affirmatively and deliberately agree with Him.

     You know the Word of God.  You know the verses.  But all the right answers don't help.  That is because the only solace is in agreeing that His way and His time are far better than your own design.

     We are all together and at the same time, we are alone, in that there is no one else in your body.  Yes, thank God, we have the Indwelling Holy Spirit.  Nevertheless, He has designed you in such a way that no other person lives in your tent - only you.

     You must gaze upon Him.  You must long for Him.  And you must agree with Him.

     Tell Him today.