Easily Influenced:
Soldier of The Cross, you are not to be stubborn, nor are you to be squishy.
You are to learn the Lord. You must recognize Him, bend to His Will and His Ways and you must agree with Him at all times, regardless of the cost or the feeling.
You will never grow immune to human failure and there is never any guarantee of human success. There is the promise that He will withhold no good thing.
That means that in His economy, losing a child can be as much of a blessing as gaining a child. Being paralyzed can be just as much of a blessing as being healed. Being in prison can result in more freedom than being on the outside.
It is a matter of His Will and His Ways. Period.
Time is short. Eternity is far more than a long time. It is forever and ever.
Agree with God.
Alone and aloud.